Kalk Bay Harbour, Cape Town

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Winston Churchill (Sir)

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Famous Kalk Bay Harbour, in the Deep South on the Peninsula in Cape Town
(We refer to the Deep South as the area behind the Vegan curtain)

240107 Peninsula 0001c.jpg
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Nice shot, great light. I love harbors and boats. What is the Vegan curtain?
Thank you very much
It's a common joke in Cape Town - we have 2 areas specifically referred to :
The area behind the "Vegan" Curtain - the people from this area are very woke, (Southern Suburbs)
The area behind the "barbecue sausage" Curtain - the people from this area are common, drink a lot and love rugby (Northern suburbs)

none of that is true - just area snobbism - a bit like Canon and Nikon