Northern Cardinal

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Hello everyone πŸ‘‹,

First post here. Female Northern Cardinal portrait - shot with a d850/500PF.


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What were your camera settings and what was your distance from the subject? This is a fantastic image. I love the detail. I just returned a 500PF to B&H Saturday. I also was using it with a D850. I live in the midwest of the USA and it has been gloomy for a couple months. Unless I had great light, I was not satisfied with the noise at ISO 1000 or over. I'm leaning toward trying a Nikon 600mm f/4. I understand the trade offs, but I'm too picky and want great detail like you achieved with this image.

Settings are f5.6, 1/800, ISO1600. The subject distance was ~15ft and image is cropped. For me on the D850, ISO noise is an issue only above ISO4000. Below that I can clean up in post usually with all (most) details preserved if I use Topaz Denoise in PS. ISO6400 is also usable, but unless I get the exposure right, I have noticed loss of detail in the shadows a little bit.

I mostly shoot on a 500 f4 E but is currently out for repairs, so this was shot with my standby PF. My copy of 500PF is quite sharp in my tests and does not seem to need aftune on my body.

600 F4 would be an awesome lens though (y) if a bit heavy than the 500f4E
I've heard good things about Topaz Denoise, but have not pulled the trigger on it. I just wasn't as impressed with the 500pf. I have the Nikon 300mm 2.8 and its IQ is far and away better than the 500PF (at least with the copy I had). I'm banking on the same with a 600mm. I'm not ruling out another trial run with the 500PF from another retailer.
One thing I noticed with the PF is that if the scene is strongly backlit or if there is large bright object in the back, the contrast tends to suffer, although the details are good. This does not happen all the time, but in a few cases. I guess that is the price of a phase fresnel design. This can be cleaned up a bit with using dehaze in ACR to bring the contrast back.

Hope you find a good solution for your needs. Looking forward to the pics with the new gear πŸ‘