My Z9 Update Wish List - I sent this to Nikon

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List of Z9 firmware update suggestions

So, I sent this list of ideas to Nikon for firmware updates easier this year and thought I'd share it with the board. So far, no joy (this was sent back in May I think), but who knows - maybe they'll take some of the suggestions to heart. The list below was for firmware, but I have a few hardware ideas at the bottom.

1. I'd love to see an option for turning off subject detection with a programmable button. While most of the time subject detection works well, it can sometimes prove problematic. There are instances it will miss-identify the target or end up on the wrong place on that subject. An option to quickly toggle subject detection on and off with the press of a button would prove extremely helpful. At the moment, I have Recall Shooting programmed for this, but it's really a waste of that function's capabilities.

2. Another incredibly useful option would be to control exactly what aspects subject detection is looking for in an image - either body/face/eye OR just face/eye. Often, when I see problems with subject detection, it's not that subject detection is failing; it's that focusing on the torso is the wrong approach. (Also, this mainly applies to the Wide AF areas.)

For instance, I have noticed with long-necked birds-in-flight that the camera frequently doesn't see the face or eye but almost always identifies the torso. However, if the bird is coming in at any kind of an angle, the result is an out-of-focus face/eye and a sharp body.

With the option to only look for the face/eye, the photographer could concentrate on keeping a wide AF area in the vicinity of the face/eye as much as possible. If the camera sees the face/eye, great - that's an extra aid (same applies if the photographer wanders off-target and the camera is sticking to the face/eye). However, if the camera doesn't see the face/eye, then it would use the AF area normally. In that scenario, if the photographer had the AF area in the vicinity of the face/eye, at least those areas would be sharp. However, as it stands now, you can have a wide AF area right where you want it on the target and the camera will still go for the body if it doesn't see the face or eye, resulting in a 100% failure rate, depending on the angle of the subject.

3. Another helpful option would be to restrict subject detection to just the inside of the Wide AF areas rather than letting it have full reign over the entire subject (this would help with the situation mentioned in point 2 above). I think this should be an on/off option as there are times the current implementation is advantageous. This would be another handy option for an on/off toggle on a programmable button.

4. Spot metering hold. An item I think should make a comeback is the spot meter (hold) option. For tricky metering situations, it's incredibly helpful. It was an option on previous cameras and it would be welcomed back by many. I've seen quite a few people asking about it and they are genuinely disappointed that it's not there. It would undoubtedly be helpful for wildlife work (it was in the past).

5. Another helpful addition would be to place Auto ISO at the "bottom" and "top" of the ISO range when using the lens control ring. Adjusting manual ISO on the control ring is incredibly handy, but if you want to jump from normal ISO to Auto, you must press the ISO button and turn the sub-command dial to toggle between them. It would be handy if you could put all the ISO options on a single, fast control. So, I could select my ISO manually with the lens function ring as I can now, but when I want to go back into Auto ISO, I'd simply turn the ring to the bottom or top of the range.

6. In addition to Nikon, I also shoot Sony and I have to tell you that zebra stripes for exposure are incredibly helpful. While the histogram is handy too, it's tough to spot small, clipped highlights with it and it covers up part of the photo. No such issue with zebra stripes - they don't cover any image area and spotting even a tiny flashing bit of clipped highlight is easy. I think that this would be a welcome addition for many shooters.

7. I'd also love to see recall shooting available with different settings for each button. Recall shooting is an incredibly powerful option and allowing every button to have its own (different) recall shooting options would offer a level of flexibility unheard of in most cameras. As a quick example, you could have one button programmed for slower subjects and another programmed for faster ones. This would make instant changes in the field incredibly fast.

8. AF areas on the lens control ring. Another handy option would be switching AF areas by turning the lens control ring. Using the proper AF area can make a huge difference in outcome and having a nearly instant way to do it would be a nice upgrade.

9. Another option that would be nice for changing AF areas is to have the camera switch from area to area with the press of a button. So, for example, you'd program Fn1 as your toggle button and one press would get you from the AF area you're currently using to the next one in the sequence. Sony allows you to do this and it makes changing AF areas incredibly fast. Although I still think having them on the control ring would be faster, it would be nice to have both options.

10. A handy upgrade would be an option that allows us to lock in the current settings for our photo shooting banks. As it stands now, any changes I make while in a given photo shooting bank changes that setting to the new default for that bank. Ideally, it would be nice if each bank had an option to "lock in current settings." That way, a user could set up a bank for a general scenario and make small tweaks as needed for the specific situation in the viewfinder. However, instead of those tweaks becoming the new default for that bank, when the user goes into another bank and then back, they would get the original settings they had when they first locked them in.

In short, it would be handy to know that when you go back to a particular photo shooting bank, it's always set a certain way. I honestly don't use the photo shooting banks myself at the moment because they don't recall my preferred settings for that bank. If I have to go in and make adjustments anyway, there's not much point in using them unless you typically have to change a LOT of settings. Also, this lock should absolutely apply to the shutter speed, F/stop and ISO settings if Extended menu banks are turned on - that's where it would be the most useful.

10a - This is a continuation of 10. It would also be nice to have the option to link photo shooting banks to a specific custom setting bank. That way maybe I could link custom setting bank a to photo shooting bank a (or b, or c) and have a far more effective customization at my fingertips without jumping around between menus.

That's it. I appreciate your consideration.

That was the end of the letter, but there are always other things to add. :)

In addition, I'd of course like to see AF improved to at least a1 levels. That didn't make the list (I think they know). Plus, I'd like to see a LOT more customization offered - my a1 has 164 items I can assign, the Z9, only 62. And, as noted in my letter above, there are some very valuable items that could be added.


In addition to the firmware ideas I sent Nikon, I think a few hardware updates would be handy as well.

Obviously, these ideas would require a new camera, a Z9ii

First, I think we need an extra button on the back that we can assign. Just the AF-On button isn't enough. It would be nice to have another AF area / function avaialbe in that prime real estate area.

A better EVF would be nice - the current one is good, but I think if it were right erred, it would be better. I often forget I'm looking at an EVF with my a1 - with the Z9, not so much.

A deeper buffer would be great - something that allowed 30 FPS with lossless RAW and RAW pre-capture.

I also think we need more dials. There's a lot of empty space on top that could be used for a customizable dial that allows exp comp, ISO etc. I'd also like to see a "ring" on the back of the camera like Sony and Canon has. The Sony one not only turns, but allows button pushes at all the cardinal points and three of those are customizable.

Also, fix the eyepiece for the viewfinder - the little rubber thing likes to come off (and it's not just my camera - I saw it a lot over the summer during workshops).

The camera could also use a much better latch for the memory card door. I loved the ones with the D5/6, this is sometimes a pain to open by comparison.

Finally, weight - the Z9 is just heavier than it needs to be IMO. Sony and Canon have pro mirrorless that don't feel like you're holding a hunk of lead, Nikon can do it too.

Whew, that's the main stuff. I have lots of other little things too for both firmware and hardware, but those are the big ones I'd like to see,.
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#10 is excellent…it melds the best parts of the U modes (a standard baseline) and of the Banks (more things get remembered). I am still getting used to not having the Action mode go back to what I set it to at the beginning…with U I could adjust as necessary but knowing that if I went to U2 and then back to U1 I would b e back at my wide open fast shutter AF mode combo. Lots easier to adjust from a known baseline.

Edited later…
Actually…some like the banks way and some the U way…so an option to select saved banks a la U mode or the current whatever it was last mode like it is would be a better option.
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The most valuable IMO would be ability to assign something really meaningful to lens control ring. ISO and especially the ability to change AF-Area mode would be great.

But as one of the characters in the Last Samurai movie noted, when contemplating the beauty of the cherry flowers, I can say that all your points are perfect, Steve :).
#6 is definitely tops on my list as far as missing functionality. They have it for video so stills seems like it's just Nikon engineers not understanding usage scenarios and expecting us to review every single shot as it happens.
There is a workround for #6 if you are a RAW shooter. I use a custom picture control that is setup to show pure white as black and pure black as white. It sounds crazy and sometimes looks crazy through the evf but i always know exactly whats clipping.
Yup, I know about that one, but I still think that Zebras would be much better. :) Also, does that setup disable live histograms? Many picture profiles do.
Seems like a very useable list. Thank you Steve for interceding on our behalf.

Then again, sounds like advocating Nikon just license production of the A1 from Sony. (IN JEST) o_O:oops::LOL:
Well, the big thing is if Nikon actually does something with the list. I've submitted it and I have a friend who works with Nikon Europe and he submitted my list to them as well. If you see some of these items in upcoming firmware, you'll know where they got the idea :)

I think @Steve you must be tempting fate, if Nikon release a new firmware version soon it require an update to your recent Z9 e-Book :rolleyes:. I do think we are due another firmware update. The feature I would like returned is shutter delay mode, Nikon can rename it exposure delay as the Z9 has no shutter, but it is a great feature for landscape photographers.
Here is another: close down the guard when the lens release is pressed. Rationale: turning off the camera affects whatever is connected, in some cases shutting them down (eg external monitor, tethering, others).
Thats an excellent list. I hope they are all delivered. I would have appreciated everything on there to some degree. The hardware items probably bothered me the most however. I really missed not having that extra back button for AF-On and that extra dial or wheel (on the body) for ISO/EV comp. I have a feeling an improved AF point mix/array on the sensor itself is going to be a critical success factor; come the 'Z9II'
#3 on the firmware list is one I really could have done with day in day out. It would be great to have the ability to restrict/allow subjectct detection (toggling on/off) inside/outside of any wide AF area. Its the closest thing I can think of to having 'zone with/without tracking'
Great list for enthusiast wildlife shooters (albeit not the main target market for Z9). I would love to see them double down on recall shooting functions and allow multiple states assignable to a single button to toggle through a la Sony AF area.
Less weight is always appreciated but not at the expense of cooling efficiency. The Z9 is already the smallest and lightest way to shoot the video codecs and duration it is capable of.
Great list for enthusiast wildlife shooters (albeit not the main target market for Z9). I would love to see them double down on recall shooting functions and allow multiple states assignable to a single button to toggle through a la Sony AF area.
Less weight is always appreciated but not at the expense of cooling efficiency. The Z9 is already the smallest and lightest way to shoot the video codecs and duration it is capable of.
I have a feeling that's the main reason for the extra weight.
List of Z9 firmware update suggestions

So, I sent this list of ideas to Nikon for firmware updates easier this year and thought I'd share it with the board. So far, no joy (this was sent back in May I think), but who knows - maybe they'll take some of the suggestions to heart. The list below was for firmware, but I have a few hardware ideas at the bottom.

1. I'd love to see an option for turning off subject detection with a programmable button. While most of the time subject detection works well, it can sometimes prove problematic. There are instances it will miss-identify the target or end up on the wrong place on that subject. An option to quickly toggle subject detection on and off with the press of a button would prove extremely helpful. At the moment, I have Recall Shooting programmed for this, but it's really a waste of that function's capabilities .....
Maybe I'm missing something here Steve (entirely possible !!!) with what you're suggesting with regard to Z9 FW suggestion #1, specifically what is quoted above. For example, I have custom settings f2 - FN1 programmed to "Recall Shooting Functions (Hold)" (toggle menu to the right) >> every shooting function choice box is checked to "off" except for "AF subject detections options". That subject detection choice is set to "off". Now the top item in My Menu is "AF subject detection options" which I access with the Video Record button. The subject detection type depends on what shooting bank I am in. FN2 chooses the bank. So, for example bank A can be animal. B can be something else ... your call. So, for me, "A" usually is set for "animal". So, if I want to quickly disable animal detection, simply press the FN1 button (press but I DON'T have to hold it down) and subject detection toggles off. Hit the FN1 button it toggles back on. Another button is set to choose area mode which I frequently use to access, for example 3D tracking if and when I either want to supplement animal detection (or choose another kind of detection if I am in a different shooting bank) or just use 3D tracking in place of subject detection. Yes, sometimes more than one button is involved, but I can do this while continuing to look through the EVF.

Another wildlife photographer I know likes to use the lens' L-Fn or L-FN2 buttons programmed for this since most of the "high-end" longer Z lenses have these prgrammable buttons, and even some of the exotic high-end F mount lenses have a set of buttons too if one chooses AF-L. Although I prefer to have the lens buttons set and recall basic focus positions to help start with focusing on smaller subject.

So, I don't understand why you think that programming a button to program RSF that is a waste of that function's capabilities.
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Well, the big thing is if Nikon actually does something with the list. I've submitted it and I have a friend who works with Nikon Europe and he submitted my list to them as well. If you see some of these items in upcoming firmware, you'll know where they got the idea :)
I know for a fact that they listen in regards to bugs. A bug I identified was included in the 2.1 firmware.
Steve, your list is a good one. Thanks!

My biggest problem is using the Z9 is the color of the focus square when I select Dynamic Area Single point, small, medium or large. There are many times when I cannot see it as the red barely registers with my eye sight/brain especially against a green subject. I think in my D500 and D850, the color of the square and dots are black. Black is easier for me to see than red.

Others may not have this issue. I am partially color blind, red green and blue grey. About 8% of all men are red green color blind. I can see see these colors, but they may not stand out as well for us as they do for others who are not red green color blind.

The same applies to Single point too but I do not use it as often as I do the others.

Perhaps a special Custom setting to set a particular color for Dynamic Single point.
Maybe I'm missing something here Steve (entirely possible !!!) with what you're suggesting with regard to Z9 FW suggestion #1, specifically what is quoted above. For example, I have custom settings f2 - FN1 programmed to "Recall Shooting Functions (Hold)" (toggle menu to the right) >> every shooting function choice box is checked to "off" except for "AF subject detections options". That subject detection choice is set to "off". Now the top item in My Menu is "AF subject detection options" which I access with the Video Record button. The subject detection type depends on what shooting bank I am in. FN2 chooses the bank. So, for example bank A can be animal. B can be something else ... your call. So, for me, "A" usually is set for "animal". So, if I want to quickly disable animal detection, simply press the FN1 button (press but I DON'T have to hold it down) and subject detection toggles off. Hit the FN1 button it toggles back on. Another button is set to choose area mode which I frequently use to access, for example 3D tracking if and when I either want to supplement animal detection (or choose another kind of detection if I am in a different shooting bank) or just use 3D tracking in place of subject detection. Yes, sometimes more than one button is involved, but I can do this while continuing to look through the EVF.

Another wildlife photographer I know likes to use the lens' L-Fn or L-FN2 buttons programmed for this since most of the "high-end" longer Z lenses have these prgrammable buttons, and even some of the exotic high-end F mount lenses have a set of buttons too if one chooses AF-L. Although I prefer to have the lens buttons set and recall basic focus positions to help start with focusing on smaller subject.

So, I don't understand why you think that programming a button to program RSF that is a waste of that function's capabilities.
The problem is Recall Shooting is useful for other things and you end up using it for something that should be a dedicated option. I also have RSF set to turn off subject detection, but I'd rather use it for something else - like a quick button press to jump into action / BIF mode :)

Sony - and I think Canon - have a dedicated option for it, it's crazy Nikon doesn't IMO.
Thanks so much for sharing this Steve and advocating for all Z9 owners.

10. A handy upgrade would be an option that allows us to lock in the current settings for our photo shooting banks.
You had me at 10 :). So glad to have my thoughts on this validated.

A deeper buffer would be great - something that allowed 30 FPS with lossless RAW and RAW pre-capture.

9. Another option that would be nice for changing AF areas is to have the camera switch from area to area with the press of a button.

Also, fix the eyepiece for the viewfinder - the little rubber thing likes to come off
I'm currently dealing with Nikon customer service on this and the poor fitting security slot cover.

the Z9 is just heavier than it needs to be
I can heft the Z9 around and the ergonomics feel great initially. However, the extra weight puts additional strain on your right hand and my fingers have become quite sore over the months since I received the camera.

link photo shooting banks to a specific custom setting bank
That would be awesome.

In addition, I'd of course like to see AF improved to at least a1 levels. That didn't make the list (I think they know). Plus, I'd like to see a LOT more customization offered
Diplomatic of you to not to include these in your letter but I hope this is the focus of the efforts!