Ken Miracle's Presentation Forums Gallery
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Some bird ID shots from my first birding outing with my new Z600 f/6.3 pf on Z9
Some bird ID shots from my first birding outing with my new Z600 f/6.3 pf on Z9 Ken Miracle
Some bird ID shots from my first birding outing with my new Z600 f/6.3 pf on Z9
Some bird ID shots from my first birding outing with my new Z600 f/6.3 pf on Z9 Ken Miracle
Some bird ID shots from my first birding outing with my new Z600 f/6.3 pf on Z9
Some bird ID shots from my first birding outing with my new Z600 f/6.3 pf on Z9 Ken Miracle
Some bird ID shots from my first birding outing with my new Z600 f/6.3 pf on Z9
Some bird ID shots from my first birding outing with my new Z600 f/6.3 pf on Z9 Ken Miracle
Some bird ID shots from my first birding outing with my new Z600 f/6.3 pf on Z9
Some bird ID shots from my first birding outing with my new Z600 f/6.3 pf on Z9 Ken Miracle
Some bird ID shots from my first birding outing with my new Z600 f/6.3 pf on Z9
Some bird ID shots from my first birding outing with my new Z600 f/6.3 pf on Z9 Ken Miracle
Some bird ID shots from my first birding outing with my new Z600 f/6.3 pf on Z9
Some bird ID shots from my first birding outing with my new Z600 f/6.3 pf on Z9 Ken Miracle
Western Kingbird in habitat Z800 pf on Z9
Western Kingbird in habitat Z800 pf on Z9 Ken Miracle
Great Blue Heron suddenly appearing as it flies out from behind a tree Z9 & Z800
Great Blue Heron suddenly appearing as it flies out from behind a tree Z9 & Z800 Ken Miracle
Life Bird For Me  ... a rare for Idaho Black and White Warbler ... and a Bewick's Wren and Northern Flicker also photographed during the chase.
Life Bird For Me ... a rare for Idaho Black and White Warbler ... and a Bewick's Wren and Northern Flicker also photographed during the chase. Ken Miracle
Life Bird For Me  ... a rare for Idaho Black and White Warbler ... and a Bewick's Wren and Northern Flicker also photographed during the chase.
Life Bird For Me ... a rare for Idaho Black and White Warbler ... and a Bewick's Wren and Northern Flicker also photographed during the chase. Ken Miracle
Life Bird For Me  ... a rare for Idaho Black and White Warbler ... and a Bewick's Wren and Northern Flicker also photographed during the chase.
Life Bird For Me ... a rare for Idaho Black and White Warbler ... and a Bewick's Wren and Northern Flicker also photographed during the chase. Ken Miracle
Life Bird For Me  ... a rare for Idaho Black and White Warbler ... and a Bewick's Wren and Northern Flicker also photographed during the chase.
Life Bird For Me ... a rare for Idaho Black and White Warbler ... and a Bewick's Wren and Northern Flicker also photographed during the chase. Ken Miracle
Life Bird For Me  ... a rare for Idaho Black and White Warbler ... and a Bewick's Wren and Northern Flicker also photographed during the chase.
Life Bird For Me ... a rare for Idaho Black and White Warbler ... and a Bewick's Wren and Northern Flicker also photographed during the chase. Ken Miracle
Morning Stretch
Morning Stretch Ken Miracle
Morning Stretch
Morning Stretch Ken Miracle
Morning Stretch
Morning Stretch Ken Miracle
Morning Stretch
Morning Stretch Ken Miracle
Morning Stretch
Morning Stretch Ken Miracle
Morning Stretch
Morning Stretch Ken Miracle