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  1. M

    MAD (macaw at dusk)

    Ran into this macaw right before it flew off. It was at the very end of the day, with the very last bit of daylight. It was all very quick, so there was no chance to find a nice spot with a nice background. Not sure what else to do given the high ISO (16,000)
  2. cr_wildlife

    Five Red and Green Macaws in flight

    Red and Green Macaws are the second largest of the macaws, second in size only to the Hyacinth Macaw. Large macaws mate for life and spend the entire year together. They care for their offspring for almost a year and have 1 or 2, rarely three, fledglings to care for per year. Thus, the usual...
  3. cr_wildlife

    Red and Green Macaw in flight

    This image was taken at the Baraca das Araras in Mata Gross Do Sul, Brazil. The baraca is a sink hole measuring 500 feet in diameter and 328 feet deep. A group of Red and Green Macaws nests in the caves in the sides of the sink hole. They spend much of their day roosting at the baraca...
  4. cr_wildlife

    Great Green Macaws

    I commented in a recent post that I am on the Board of Directors of the Macaw Recovery Network, an NGO headquartered in Costa Rica that is dedicated to parrot conservation. One of their initial targets for conservation intervention is the Great Green Macaw, Ara ambiguus. This species is listed...