nikon z9 af

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  1. fcotterill

    Interview with Nikon Executives

    Their answers cover several relevant topics, including the design of the 135 f1.8S Plena and 180-600, and comments on current Z cameras, including Auto Capture
  2. S

    Z9 single press change to autofocus type

    Hello, I'm trying to work through the various strategies out there for moving from wide area large to 3D autofocus. I like using the back button for autofocus and have the shutter release button only control tripping the shutter. I had set up the function 1 button to be 3D autofocus but then...
  3. sid_19911991

    Z9 Bird/Animal Eye AF Database!

    I thought we can make a database of how well the Z9 can track different animals/birds in different situations by collectively pooling in our first-hand experiences! Not sure if anybody is interested, but I am doing it anyway! It could help other photographers & perhaps even Nikon if they ever...