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  1. G

    Birding Guides in Spain

    Trying to plan my honeymoon for Spain and am looking for guide recommendations for birding in Spain, Mallorca, and Morocco. Any other suggestions are appreciated. Thanks in advance this is the best birding forum I’ve found on the internet. Cheers, Mayes
  2. S

    Travelling with tripod

    Hello everybody, I am planning my first trip to Florida and have already bought airplane tickets. I intend to bring my Nikon Z8 with the 24-120 and a 400mm f44.5 with converter 1/4 in my 26 L Mindshift backpack. I wish I had bought a slightly bigger one but that is what I have. I also intend to...
  3. S

    Costa Rica Trip Advice

    Hello - I'll be taking a family trip (not a solo photography trip) to Costa Rica in mid-July. We'll spend five days at an ecolodge a few miles south of La Fortuna and then head to the coast (Manuel Antonio). I'm planning to take a number of guided tours (bird tour and a few other nature-oriented...
  4. M

    What's in your bag, but what bag do you have and why? What about Survival equipment? Other than your cell phone.

    Getting close to the holiday season and I'm thinking of getting a backpack (or one being gifted, once I decide). I know Steve has 2 video's on "WHAT'S IN MY BAG" for Africa, Costa Ric and explains the reason for his selection of his bag and what he has in it. Presently I have my Z9 with my...
  5. Ado Wolf

    Nikon 10-20 vs 10-24 DX

    So I spent a week in Mallorca and used my D850 + 16-35 mm F4 (1.6 kg / 3.5 lb) to take landscape photos. It did a great job, but it was quite heavy for longer hikes and it drew too much attention in small cities (size wise). I considered switching to my 24 mm F1.8 but it wasn’t wide enough (225...