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  1. Denali

    Tetons and Horses B&W - Yellowstone National Park

    I took this picture of the Grand Tetons back in June of 2020 but recently converted it to black and white and experimented with Silver Efex Pro 3. If you look closely you can see two of the stallions fighting. Camera: NIKON CORPORATION NIKON D5100 | Lens: NIKKOR 55-300mm f/4 S | Focal Length...
  2. Gene_Hughes

    Yellowstone Red Dog Chase...

    I witnessed the birthing of these four red dogs as well as seven others on the morning of this video just outside my camp on the Madison River before sunrise. Was lucky enough to capture this footage of their return in the evening...
  3. Abinoone

    Yellowstone Badger

    On a recent trip to Yellowstone, I unexpectedly stumbled upon this badger while on a hike to Trout Lake. Luckily, I was carrying my D850 with a 70-200 f1.8 lens attached, and managed to get off a few shots before he disappeared into the brush. You never know what nature may throw your way! y