180-600mm vs 600mm PF

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Ain't it grand having so many choices? Rarely am I close enough to WL to justify the 600 and adding a TC really isn't a good option. Have an 800 PF and awaiting a 180-600 (sold the 100-400). Thinking the 400 f/4.5 might be a good addition too...
Just a quick test in my kitchen to highlight one of the biggest capabilities with these two: MFD. Huge advantage to the zoom.
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Yep…but to be fair one can always pop on a short extension tube to help with that. You lose the infinity focusing ability while it’s on of course, but if you’re shooting little things close is that really a bad thing?
That’s a good point, I need to look into extension tubes, especially for the 800PF.
I have a set I use with my 70-20p instead of a full on macro lens…but I don’t do a lot of macro so spending the grand for my limited use doesn’t meet my bang for the buck criteria. I will have to try them out with the 400/4.5 and the 600PF when it arrives to see how many I need to get decently close.

Similar topic here.

Ultimately, you have to make a decision about flexibility, weight, and iq, and see if you have enough money for another lens.
Or buy both :ROFLMAO: It is only money - after all you can sleep in your car, you can eat mac and cheese for a few months, ... I am very good at spending OPM (Other People's Money)
I had the same question to myself on the Z100-400 and the Z400 4.5. I now have both and couldn't be happier. Both the 1.4 and 2.0 perform excellent on the Z400.