IMO, the biggest issue with camera batteries is that there is a lack of transparency in the market. The first question I would like to see asked is, "Exactly how many battery manufacturers are making batteries for Nikon cameras, and who are they?" I don't know this for a fact, but I have a suspicion that Nikon doesn't make their own batteries, but have them made to their specifications. If so, who is this manufacturer, or manufacturers, and for how many labels are the same batteries being made? Also, how many of those batteries are being made to the same exact specifications as Nikon's? I prefer using Nikon branded batteries, but I have enjoyed some success with a couple of Enegon En-El15 batteries (in a D7500). I don't use them as much as the OEM versions, but if the originals are depleted, or being charged, these third party batteries have performed well for over two years. (Almost as significantly, I like the Enegon charger more than Nikon's.) Based on anecdotal evidence, I think it is safe to assume that there are good third party batteries being sold, and that there are really crappy ones out there, too. And all this is complicated by the fact that there are a slew of internet links touting reviews of third party batteries. Most of whom I have never heard, and, so, don't know what to believe. So, I mostly stick with Nikon, and live in hope that a forum such as this can eventually reach a consensus as to which third party batteries are worth buying and which should be avoided.