600 PF Auto-focus issue - need assistance

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I have found that all my Nikon equipment (compared to Canon) has issues with "back-focusing".

Meaning if the bird is 20' away, but I accidentally grab focus on something 30' in the background, the AF will always struggle to come back to 20'. It's like it keeps searching far out and never thinks to "re-rerack" the focus.

Some other popular YouTube Nikon shooters mention it as an issue too. Not sure if Steve includes it in any of his guides.

Very annoying - but I've learned just to flick the manual ring back to min focus and then it works.
All MILC's have this issue, some lenses/cameras worse than others. Longer FL lenses usually suffer more because the near field with be so far OOF there's no contrast/detail to detect. One strategy as you outlined is to hit the MF, another is to stop trying to AF, point the camera at something closer than the subject and then reacquire. We still don't know the OP's issues as he hasn't provided all of his settings/techniques.
All MILC's have this issue, some lenses/cameras worse than others. Longer FL lenses usually suffer more because the near field with be so far OOF there's no contrast/detail to detect. One strategy as you outlined is to hit the MF, another is to stop trying to AF, point the camera at something closer than the subject and then reacquire. We still don't know the OP's issues as he hasn't provided all of his settings/techniques.
It's interesting because I can't recall having the issue a single time with Canon, but I experience it every single time I shoot with Nikon lol.

I may have to learn how to program some of those lens buttons to "re-rack" focus. I can't recall if my 600PF had that button or not.
It's interesting because I can't recall having the issue a single time with Canon, but I experience it every single time I shoot with Nikon lol.

I may have to learn how to program some of those lens buttons to "re-rack" focus. I can't recall if my 600PF had that button or not.
It happens almost as frequently with my R5/R7 and telephoto lenses. Additionally, these cameras are challenged AF'ing with strong side/backlit subjects. In general, I found my R5 acquired the subject quicker than the Z8 though that has changed with the FW 2.0. My experience has been that the R5 continues to have more reliable AF for BIF and better AED. Additionally, it follows diving birds better through the strike. The R7 is terrible in this regard and it frequently loses focus or focuses on the background. The Z8 is generally pretty good though it struggles with diving birds, inexplicably losing AF when they near the water. I've tried every AF mode, type, and parameters without affecting the oof images. It's really weird shooting osprey/eagles/pelicans diving with the Z8. It will keep the AF on target through the dive and just before the strike the AF jumps off the bird and FF'es on nothing for several frames, misses the strike, and then catches up to the bird afterwards. This has not improved with FW 2.0. Is it the fewer AF points, lack of dual pixel, algorithms, or some other factors? I do know that the Z8 worked extremely well when I was shooting spoonbill landings a couple weeks ago and nailed almost every sequence.
Here’s an example of bird ( song thrush) moving through clutter, it's focused using WC(1*1) with subject detection. Shot with Z9 paired with 600 mm PF. z9 had firmware 4.1.

Takes bit of practice to check where camera is focusing.

In your case, bird had black head and eyes, contrast may not be there for subject detection to latch focus on to eyes/ head. If focus is stuck to branch, it’s going to be a struggle to move focus to subject. Use techniques suggested by Steve and other members of forum. In clutter try to use smallest auto focus area mode that you can, to make sure you get precise focus.


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I also think the problem might be the switch on the lens that controls its focus range. Make sure your lens is set for all length (no limiter).

And also check the Control ring setting. It might be set to something that is causing or contributing to your problem. I found this to be the case with my Z9 when I first started to use my Z mount 100-400mm S lens. I was touching the Control ring on the lens that set or reset something. I fixed it by disabling it in Custom Controls in my Z9. Check your Z8 manual to see what it says about lens Control Ring settings.

This link might help:

I rarely had that issue before FW 4.0. The issue with the Z9 where if you focused way out and something landed in front of you 20 or 30 feet in front of you and would rack focus.

With FW 4.10 and bird SD it's been a non existent issue for me with the 800PF lens and Bird SD with Auto Area AF mode. It snaps to the subject no matter how far it's out of focus.

I have Eagles, Egrets, Kingfishers, herons you babe it lands sometime within 20 feet and no issues.

At this point the only issue I currently see is long necked wading birds with Bird SD grabbing the body when the neck is straight. Then animal can be better or a Wide C1. It switch to Animal SD. If the neck is in an S shape it has no issues locking up the eye
Sometimes I run into the same issue. This just happened last week. I had a Kestrel sitting on a barbed wire fence about 20 yards away. I held the camera up and held the back button AF button on the Z9 with the 600 pf and it would not grab focus. I then i depressed my Fn1 button which is programmed for single point AF and it would not grab the Kestrel. Next I grabbed the focus ring and turned it until the bird was near focus and pushed the BBAF button and it finally grabbed it. I have seen this before and sometimes I grab the focus ring while other times I will point the camera to the ground under the subject to grab focus before going back to the subject.

Yes this can be very frustrating in the moment but you just have to find a quick solution and be ready for the situation. Generally moving to another point say under the subject works. I find this has happened to me on both my Z9 and Z8 with different telephotos attached. Its happened with the 100-400S and my. 300pf f mount also. In my use case it sems to happen the most when i have a isolated subject on a fence or post and background is far away.

I have the latest firmware updates on my camera and have Fn1 programmed to singel point, fn 2 to wide S and my curser pad to 3d. One other thing I have done that works is to toggle to dx mode and it sometimes grabs focus. I have my movie record button to toggle between fx and dx. It seems to happen more with kestrels than other birds. I routinely shoot burrowing owls just a few feet from where i took the following shot and it never misses. I often wonder if it is the coloring around the eyes of the kestrel that is fooling the camera.
Chappy, what you are describing is my main issue and it is very frustrating! I'm relieved to know I'm not the only one struggling with this! I've recently had this issue with Kestrels and Brown Creepers with no obstructions in front. I just could not get a focus lock on the bird! So I really appreciate the time you took to respond and provide some workarounds that I will most certainly try. I used to have a F 200-500 and also had this issue with that lens. I too have the latest FW 2.00 on my Z8. Again thank you!
I have found that all my Nikon equipment (compared to Canon) has issues with "back-focusing".

Meaning if the bird is 20' away, but I accidentally grab focus on something 30' in the background, the AF will always struggle to come back to 20'. It's like it keeps searching far out and never thinks to "re-rerack" the focus.

Some other popular YouTube Nikon shooters mention it as an issue too. Not sure if Steve includes it in any of his guides.

Very annoying - but I've learned just to flick the manual ring back to min focus and then it works.
Sounds very similar to what I'm experiencing!! Glad I'm not the only one. I will continue to practice and come up with workarounds, including tips already provided in this thread. Again, Thank you for your response!
I also think the problem might be the switch on the lens that controls its focus range. Make sure your lens is set for all length (no limiter).

And also check the Control ring setting. It might be set to something that is causing or contributing to your problem. I found this to be the case with my Z9 when I first started to use my Z mount 100-400mm S lens. I was touching the Control ring on the lens that set or reset something. I fixed it by disabling it in Custom Controls in my Z9. Check your Z8 manual to see what it says about lens Control Ring settings.

This link might help:

Joe, I have checked my focus range switch on the lens and it is set to 'Full' (no limiter), so that should be okay. I haven't programmed the Control Ring, however, I will check to make sure there isn't anything with it causing my problem. Thank you for the link and for your response!
I rarely had that issue before FW 4.0. The issue with the Z9 where if you focused way out and something landed in front of you 20 or 30 feet in front of you and would rack focus.

With FW 4.10 and bird SD it's been a non existent issue for me with the 800PF lens and Bird SD with Auto Area AF mode. It snaps to the subject no matter how far it's out of focus.

I have Eagles, Egrets, Kingfishers, herons you babe it lands sometime within 20 feet and no issues.

At this point the only issue I currently see is long necked wading birds with Bird SD grabbing the body when the neck is straight. Then animal can be better or a Wide C1. It switch to Animal SD. If the neck is in an S shape it has no issues locking up the eye
Eric, I'm currently at FW 2.00 which now includes the bird SD. Thanks for your response. I will try Auto Area AF with Bird SD and see if that makes a difference for me. Again thanks!
I too have been working the 800 with a Z9.

There is a heron hatchery at the Ballard Locks in Seattle. Hard to miss the trees where they are nesting the ground is covered with bird droppings.

Anyway I shot with the 800 on auto-area and bird Subject detection. The bird went into a cluster of trees and undergrowth and I could hardly see it. I went ahead and shot a short burst not knowing what I have. I took the photos out in post and all of a sudden I had several nice shots of a heron taking off in flight. Perfect focus right in the middle of the woods the subject detection really works.