A Boxing Day Present --- Short-eared Owl

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Out walking off some of the Christmas Day's excess on the rough pastured hills above Belfast, I was fortunate enough to come across this Short-eared Owl hunting.

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Short-eared Owls, or "shorties" are about the same size as Barn Owls, but with longer wings.

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They are daylight hunters and are best spotted in winter when numbers are inflated by migrant birds coming over from Scandanavia, Northern Russia and Iceland.

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Relatively large numbers have been spotted in N.Ireland this winter, which may be indicative of early, severe weather in N.Europe or a shortage of Voles, their primary food .source .

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The large yellow eyes are very prominent, and combined with their highly tuned hearing, enable them to see and hear movement in the grass from up to 50 metres away.

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A wonderful late Christmas Day birthday present for me and a spectacle I felt privileged to watch !
Out walking off some of the Christmas Day's excess on the rough pastured hills above Belfast, I was fortunate enough to come across this Short-eared Owl hunting.

View attachment 77801

Short-eared Owls, or "shorties" are about the same size as Barn Owls, but with longer wings.

View attachment 77809

They are daylight hunters and are best spotted in winter when numbers are inflated by migrant birds coming over from Scandanavia, Northern Russia and Iceland.

View attachment 77810

Relatively large numbers have been spotted in N.Ireland this winter, which may be indicative of early, severe weather in N.Europe or a shortage of Voles, their primary food .source .

View attachment 77811

The large yellow eyes are very prominent, and combined with their highly tuned hearing, enable them to see and hear movement in the grass from up to 50 metres away.

View attachment 77812

A wonderful late Christmas Day birthday present for me and a spectacle I felt privileged to watch !
Awesome set David. Well done👍👍👍
Nice captures David, looks like they emerged early abdand you had some fairly good light.
Thanks Bob --- yes the light was good, with the sun catching the side of the hill the owl was hunting on, would have been nice to be a bit closer, but there was a fence with a flooded ditch in front of me so have had to crop quite a bit.