A Keel-billed Toucan seems to be not at all upset about being caught out in the rain.

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A Keel-billed Toucan covered with water droplets gives me an over the shoulder look as it sits out in the rain. These toucans are also called Rainbow-billed Toucans for obvious reasons. Their diet consists mostly of fruit, but they also raid the nest of other birds to get eggs and nestlings for food and also eat insects and small vertebrates.
keel-billed toucan in the rain.jpeg
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You did justice to this beautiful bird. Great job with the SS elongating the rain drops, but still keeping the bird sharp. This has to be the most photographed perch in the world for this species of bird. So many wonderful shots of these birds have been taken here. Yours joins that list.
You did justice to this beautiful bird. Great job with the SS elongating the rain drops, but still keeping the bird sharp. This has to be the most photographed perch in the world for this species of bird. So many wonderful shots of these birds have been taken here. Yours joins that list.
Thank you!