A Nice Pair

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wood duck pair at Japanese Gardens, Ft, Worth, TX
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Superb! Not much to say other than "Well done!"

If you really wanted to tinker with this, you might remove/soften the large white area along the right edge. And due to them looking different directions, I might center the pair a bit. Play with the aspect ratio....

I think taking a bit off the top...just into where the horizontal yellow streak starts on the left. That really puts the emphasis on the pair and eliminates the white patches at the top. In fact, if you crop a bit off the top, I don't think you need to center the pair in the frame. LOL!
I think it's well done. Since you put in for critique a small improvement would be to see if that detail-less black on the one body could be selectively brought up to reveal some texture.
Looks good to me. I'm with Karen, above, in that the patch of white sky reflection on the right is far too distracting. If Karen says it can be removed then it surely can be (by those not possessing my high level of incompetence at doing such things :D ). Anyway, nice shot. I particularly like the framing provided by the soft OoF areas.