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Great Capture Erik!
Much thanks Ralph.Great Capture Erik!
Thanks Andrew. I seldom see bluebirds in this neck of the woods (Cape Cod) and have everything out to entice them including nest boxes. It sounds tough all over.Great colors!
I hope you sent him our way. It appeared that we had a 90% loss due to the cold weather in their wintering area. Of the 20 bluebird houses in the Wildlife Area, ZERO had Bluebirds nesting.
They must have had a few successful nests north of us, we had a few dozen immature migrating through the Wildlife area in the last couple of weeks.
Thanks very much aolander. Where do they go in the winter months?Very nice!
Two out of five of boxes I had out successfully fledged bluebird chicks. The other three had tree swallows. Quite a few bluebirds migrated through here earlier.