A1 and Z9

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I was originally a Nikon shooter with the D810 and D850 before moving to the excellent Sony A1..... As i've said in a previous thread i've recently been having trouble with Sony and my 600mm f4 which is a shame because i do really like the camera. I've had two copies now, but both have been poor and its been difficult trying to rectify the problem with Sony HQ...its been ongoing for several months. I'm thinking of trying a Z9 as a second camera before investing any further in more glass, Sony, Nikon or otherwise.... The Nikon glass does look very interesting, but would the Z9 be much of a culture shock after using the Sony? ....I'm predominantly a bird action shooter. If i do run a Z9 for a while Is the 180-600 the best bet to get a general feel for the camera being that i shoot generally at 600mm? If it didnt work out, i would just sell it and rethink.......Thanks for any thoughts.
I was originally a Nikon shooter with the D810 and D850 before moving to the excellent Sony A1..... As i've said in a previous thread i've recently been having trouble with Sony and my 600mm f4 which is a shame because i do really like the camera. I've had two copies now, but both have been poor and its been difficult trying to rectify the problem with Sony HQ...its been ongoing for several months. I'm thinking of trying a Z9 as a second camera before investing any further in more glass, Sony, Nikon or otherwise.... The Nikon glass does look very interesting, but would the Z9 be much of a culture shock after using the Sony? ....I'm predominantly a bird action shooter. If i do run a Z9 for a while Is the 180-600 the best bet to get a general feel for the camera being that i shoot generally at 600mm? If it didnt work out, i would just sell it and rethink.......Thanks for any thoughts.
FWIW, I'm primarily a Nikon shooter these days but have shot several A1s owned by friends and I don't find the switch to be too big of a deal. Yeah, there are control differences but if you've shot a D810 and D850 the switch shouldn't be very difficult. The biggest changes are getting used to mirrorless vs DSLRs and modern AF tracking modes but as you currently shoot an A1 that shouldn't be a problem.

IMO, if you regularly shoot at 600mm and don't need the zoom I'd seriously consider the 600mm PF if you opt for a Z9. The 180-600mm is plenty sharp but relatively heavy and if you don't shoot a lot at the shorter focal lengths I wouldn't carry around the heavier lens unless budget is driving the decision.