Advice on laurel/azalea bloom at New River Gorge

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We visited New River Gorge Nat'l Park last fall and that has given rise to the idea of returning there for the spring flowers and better water flow over the various falls. Does anyone have advice on the timing of the spring flowers at New River Gorge? Thanks in advance for your help.
I can't directly answer your question, but I have a couple favorite places I visit in the Smoky's. I stay in smaller independent hotels and got to know the owners. I check in with them when getting close to the season and check conditions. If they say that next week, or two weeks looks good, I book my room.
Spring wildflowers may vary from year to year but late April and the month of May are good bets. Of course different species of flowers will bloom at a different time frames. Calson gave the best advice, just call the visitor's center.