Along the Icefield Parkway.

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Near Hector Lake
Along the Icefield Parkway 1500.jpg
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Beautiful!! My D850 & I are headed there in 6 weeks. A number of members recently responded to my thread in the General Forum with suggestions for landscape & wildlife in this area. Would love to hear any you might share. Thanks.
Beautiful!! My D850 & I are headed there in 6 weeks. A number of members recently responded to my thread in the General Forum with suggestions for landscape & wildlife in this area. Would love to hear any you might share. Thanks.
Thank you. Sorry I missed your thread. For me, our trip was like a kid in a candy store. At the risk of maybe being repetitive of others who commented I'd recommend shooting the 3 Sisters at Canmore at sunrise, also sunrise shot at Vermillion Lakes while in Banff. I would devote a day to travel to Yoho and especially Emerald Lake. I wasn't able to hike all the way around Emerald Lake, but I wish I had as there are surely compositions I missed. I really liked Jasper even better than Banff....less crowded and easier to get around. While there don't miss Pyramid Lake---lots to photography there. Of our three days in Jasper, 2 were overcast and drizzly so I wasn't able to shoot Edith Lake , Annette Lake, or the valley of the 5 lakes. I couldn't bring my long lens for wildlife due to carry on restraints, but there were Elk just off the roads around Jasper and on the golf course at Banff. Also some black bear along the road to Maligne Lake. I would recommend you carry bear spray if you do any hiking as there were 2 deaths from grizzly attack the week we were there in October 2023-experienced backpackers with a dog. On a happier note, I highly recommend all the stops along the Icefield Parkway. They are well marked. On our next trip I want to explore Kananaskis Country and Kootenay.
Thank you. Sorry I missed your thread. For me, our trip was like a kid in a candy store. At the risk of maybe being repetitive of others who commented I'd recommend shooting the 3 Sisters at Canmore at sunrise, also sunrise shot at Vermillion Lakes while in Banff. I would devote a day to travel to Yoho and especially Emerald Lake. I wasn't able to hike all the way around Emerald Lake, but I wish I had as there are surely compositions I missed. I really liked Jasper even better than Banff....less crowded and easier to get around. While there don't miss Pyramid Lake---lots to photography there. Of our three days in Jasper, 2 were overcast and drizzly so I wasn't able to shoot Edith Lake , Annette Lake, or the valley of the 5 lakes. I couldn't bring my long lens for wildlife due to carry on restraints, but there were Elk just off the roads around Jasper and on the golf course at Banff. Also some black bear along the road to Maligne Lake. I would recommend you carry bear spray if you do any hiking as there were 2 deaths from grizzly attack the week we were there in October 2023-experienced backpackers with a dog. On a happier note, I highly recommend all the stops along the Icefield Parkway. They are well marked. On our next trip I want to explore Kananaskis Country and Kootenay.
Thank you very much. From all I’ve read I recognize the places you describe and your detail really brings it into focus. Staying in Canmore and I’m putting Sunrise at the 3 Sisters on Day 1. This is great. Thanks again.