Amazing Photos In Bad Weather! Everything You Don't Know :)

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Thanks Steve, great video, but I’ve got a question if you or anyone could answer it?
I have a Z9 which I use with a 180-600 & 600mm f/4 TC ( not rich, but recently retired) & have tried rain covers when I’m out in bad weather, but I just can’t get on with any of the numerous ones I’ve tried & have found this has started to have an affect on if & when I go out & since owning the Z9 & the fantastic lenses I’ve always dreamt about, can embarrassingly admit they’ve only seen very light rain a few times as I don’t know how much rain & for what length of period of rain they can take!
Since moving to Wales last September it hasn’t stopped raining! the place is lovely, the people are friendly & being in the Cambrian Mountains you are never short of opportunities, but the rain has featured in my decision process whether or not I go out, which is ridiculous.

When they say weather proof, how weather proof is it?
By the way, the rain they have here in Wales is on another level compared to the rest of the UK, here it’s driving naughty rain that’s accompanied by driving winds so water get’s absolutely everywhere!

Can you give any advice?
Nikon doesn't really say one way or another and I don't know for sure either. I think it has as much to do with how long you're out as it does with the volume of rain. I think for sort periods the gear can take it - at least that's been my experience. For longer durations, I'm not so sure.
Thanks Steve, great video, but I’ve got a question if you or anyone could answer it?
I have a Z9 which I use with a 180-600 & 600mm f/4 TC ( not rich, but recently retired) & have tried rain covers when I’m out in bad weather, but I just can’t get on with any of the numerous ones I’ve tried & have found this has started to have an affect on if & when I go out & since owning the Z9 & the fantastic lenses I’ve always dreamt about, can embarrassingly admit they’ve only seen very light rain a few times as I don’t know how much rain & for what length of period of rain they can take!
Since moving to Wales last September it hasn’t stopped raining! the place is lovely, the people are friendly & being in the Cambrian Mountains you are never short of opportunities, but the rain has featured in my decision process whether or not I go out, which is ridiculous.

When they say weather proof, how weather proof is it?
By the way, the rain they have here in Wales is on another level compared to the rest of the UK, here it’s driving naughty rain that’s accompanied by driving winds so water get’s absolutely everywhere!

Can you give any advice?
What Steve said BUT if it helps take a look at Morten Hilmer's videos he is always out in harsh conditions and no issues!