any news on the next 180-600 shipment

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Just visited my local camera store where there was a regional Nikon rep on site as part of a "promotion". According to the rep and the store owner, the first shipment contained sufficient numbers to fulfill all of the NPS pre-orders. While they couldn't give exact delivery dates for subsequent shipments, collectively they claimed that all "pre-orders" would be fulfilled within 45 days. Let's hope that's accurate.
I am wondering how delveries to dealers will proceed after the first batch of late August. Will we see further batches of cameras delivered to dealers with some kind of regularity - say every month or so - or will they indeed trickle in to dealers in smaller numbers at irregular intervals? Do those among us who have been through something similar an impression of the way Nikon or NikonUSA handles his?
FWIW, I ordered the morning after the release back in June, haven't been NPS for many years and though I didn't receive the lens with the first shipment I did get a notice that it has shipped and is arriving today so apparently Adorama at least has received more than the initial shipment.
FWIW a number of people that ordered on the first day from B&H within the first few minutes got theirs and they told some others, including me, via chat that we should get ours by the end of Sept. Mine was around 12:20am ET. Just a reference point.
FWIW a number of people that ordered on the first day from B&H within the first few minutes got theirs and they told some others, including me, via chat that we should get ours by the end of Sept. Mine was around 12:20am ET. Just a reference point.
Just checked my B&H order status and it’s changed from Backordered to Order in Progress. Not sure what that means, though. I placed my order at 12:15 am on June 21.
Had my order into NikonUSA 6/20/23, although they have my order date of 6/21. Still "in process". NonNPS. Aaarrrgghhh, I hate waiting, especially after seeing Steve's review and all the great shots others are already getting. Green with envy!
Had my order into NikonUSA 6/20/23, although they have my order date of 6/21. Still "in process". NonNPS. Aaarrrgghhh, I hate waiting, especially after seeing Steve's review and all the great shots others are already getting. Green with envy!
From the updates posted here and in another thread, looks like more dealers received shipments this week. I’m sure yours is coming soon!
I’m beginning to wonder if B&H leveraged some kind of deal with Nikon? I checked with my dealer along with a regional chain and a local shop and none of them have received additional shipments (yet). Like many things today, it is difficult knowing where the truth lies. I keep reminding myself to be patient, forget about it, and enjoy my time outdoors shooting.
I’m beginning to wonder if B&H leveraged some kind of deal with Nikon?
Adorama and B&H are two of the largest US sellers for camera bodies. It wouldn’t surprise me that they’re getting more shipments than other retailers. I sincerely hope other retailers are getting shipments, too. The delays are so frustrating!
It's seeming like they're getting the majority with nikon themselves sending out random orders. Other stores might get one if they're lucky.

The frustration is incredibly real for me.
I called Nikon today as I was feeling the need to do a fool's errand. True to their standards of keeping us informed the nice fellow (reading from a script, I would guess) was quick to reply with, "We have no information on the 180-600mm lens shipping dates. I think he wanted to add, so stop asking and we will send it when we feel like it!