Anyone ever try Wirestock to sell images?

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I've sold stock photo's since about 2006. I initially submitted to a few different platforms but decided to stay with just one. Wirestock was not around them.

You send them your images and they process them (keywords, titles, etc.) and distribute them to different microstock platforms. For a percentage cut of course. Having your images on several microstock sites puts you in competition with yourself.

For stock image buyers this allows them to shop-around the different stock platforms and choose the cheapest price for your image. Stock buyers do shop around the stock platforms. Buyers of significant numbers of images shop around and leverage the multi-site image availability for the lowest pricing from the platforms.

Fundamentally it seems to boil down to whether a photographer believes they can pocket more $$ from their portfolio after Wirestock's and the selling platform's fees/commissions by sending their images to multiple stock platforms.