Anyone still use film?

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Hello everyone,

I've never used film. All I've ever known is digital photography. Does anyone here still use film? I have seen negatives / slides but never taken photographs using film. Does anyone still use film? even if its for authentic purposes?


I never owned a film SLR. I went from film point and shoots to digital point and shoots to the Canon Digital Rebel DSLR.
He, he. Memories. My first Nikon was an FE2. I basically wore it out and then gave it to a friend after getting it refurbished. I then had an 8008s which I also wore out. At the time I was developing and printing my own color slides and prints in a Jobo processor. At the very end, I bought a used F100, which I did not use more than a couple of times. About 2003 I got a D300 and shortly after that I got rid of the Jobo and never looked back. I still have some film to digitize, but the D300 made images almost as good as the N(?)5000 35mm film scanner. In the last few years I got a D850 and now a Z8. Those two are incredible cameras, and there is no reason for me to shoot film. If I had medium or large format equipment, I might still shoot film. Kodak discontinued Ektar25, which was the only film that I really wanted to use for my wildflower photos, as it was slow enough that I could completely eliminate the background while lighting the subject with flash. I made a few totally awesome 11x14 prints from that film. Grain focusing was almost impossible.

I admit to being a dinosaur. I can still tell time from an analog clock.
I still have my RB67 and my ancient 4x5 large format cameras with film frozen away in the deep freezer, however I haven't shot film in the past 20 years now. Maybe some day when I retire.