Anyone tempted by the new Fuji X100VI

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I’ve contemplated getting one of these a few years for travel and just for whenever not wanting to take a larger body out. It seems they’ve really put a lot of thought and good features into this latest version. The only turn off is it is now made in China which is a real shame. Even the video features have improved quite a bit as well as being 40mp and having stabilization now.
I’ve contemplated getting one of these a few years for travel and just for whenever not wanting to take a larger body out. It seems they’ve really put a lot of thought and good features into this latest version. The only turn off is it is now made in China which is a real shame. Even the video features have improved quite a bit as well as being 40mp and having stabilization now.
I very much doubt you'll be happy with it, even before considering how expensive it is for what it is. Very much overhyped product. If you like the features, grab an XT5, or grab a used Xpro4.

As far as vid, my only question is whether the battery would drain before it overheats, ca. 3 mins.
I very much doubt you'll be happy with it, even before considering how expensive it is for what it is. Very much overhyped product. If you like the features, grab an XT5, or grab a used Xpro4.

As far as vid, my only question is whether the battery would drain before it overheats, ca. 3 mins.
Yeah you’re probably right. I’ve talked myself out of it several times already
Yes, it’s been very tempting. I had an X100T in the past and I think the X100vi solves the majority of the things I didn’t like with the T. I’m not a fan of 35mm focal length but with the 40MP sensor it should allow for more cropping. I really liked the form factor of it for casual shooting but usually wished I had a different focal length lens.
Yes, it’s been very tempting. I had an X100T in the past and I think the X100vi solves the majority of the things I didn’t like with the T. I’m not a fan of 35mm focal length but with the 40MP sensor it should allow for more cropping. I really liked the form factor of it for casual shooting but usually wished I had a different focal length lens.
It’s nice that they’ve finally added image stabilization as well.
I’ve previously owned the X100F and X100V; sold the V last year at the height of the lemming hype and made more than what I bought it for. Great little camera, used it for taking family snaps, but I reached a point where I was either using my iPhone for random vids/pics to share with family, or my X-T5 + lenses for when I wanted to take a “serious” photo, so it really didn’t get used much. That, and I didn’t feel that the V’s AF kept up with my kids too well.

Fast forward to this year, and my wife is burnt out on carrying her R5+24-70 2.8 on travel and for general family stuff… keeps bugging me about wanting “the same little Fuji you used to have” so she can easily carry it in her purse or bag. Tried finding her a used F or V, but they’re laughably almost as expensive as a new 6. So, I just went ahead and pre-ordered her a 6.

IBIS, and the 40mp sensor and AF from the X-T5, plus the later film sims (Nostalgic Neg ❤️) are huge pluses for me. I didn’t realize that I missed that little camera, so looking forward to shooting with one again (hopefully) soon.
It’s nice that they’ve finally added image stabilization as well.
The improvements over my X100T are quite substantial. It had the 16MP sensor which only had phase detect af pixels in the center portion of the frame. With a fixed 23mm lens (35mm equivalent) made it more difficult to compose, especially if your subject wasn‘t centered in the frame. Add to that the overall AF wasn’t great, slow to acquire and not always the most accurate I decided to sell it and keep my X-Pro2 so I could go between the 23mm and 35mm F/2 lenses. Even that suffered from similar AF issues but was better. I eventually sold it too. Having the higher resolution to allow for cropping, IBIS, a slightly sharper lens over the older one (updated on the X100V), subject detection (but not when using the OVF), and phase detection AF all over the frame are all huge improvements and I think I’d like it. The form factor/size is a big selling point. It’s light, you can slide it into a jacket pocket, you can take it anywhere. I just keep coming back to the stuck at my least favorite focal length, how often will I take it over a different camera. For the cost, I don’t think it will be often enough though I may change my mind eventually.
The improvements over my X100T are quite substantial. It had the 16MP sensor which only had phase detect af pixels in the center portion of the frame. With a fixed 23mm lens (35mm equivalent) made it more difficult to compose, especially if your subject wasn‘t centered in the frame. Add to that the overall AF wasn’t great, slow to acquire and not always the most accurate I decided to sell it and keep my X-Pro2 so I could go between the 23mm and 35mm F/2 lenses. Even that suffered from similar AF issues but was better. I eventually sold it too. Having the higher resolution to allow for cropping, IBIS, a slightly sharper lens over the older one (updated on the X100V), subject detection (but not when using the OVF), and phase detection AF all over the frame are all huge improvements and I think I’d like it. The form factor/size is a big selling point. It’s light, you can slide it into a jacket pocket, you can take it anywhere. I just keep coming back to the stuck at my least favorite focal length, how often will I take it over a different camera. For the cost, I don’t think it will be often enough though I may change my mind eventually.
I know how you feel. I’ve talked myself out of buying one a few times but at the same time it would most likely be a fun camera.
I always wanted a small "travel" camera and over the years owned a dozen plus from all brands. Even before phone cameras were as good as they are today, those cameras just collected dust, mostly uncharged. The few times I made a concerted effort, mostly out of guilt, I never ended up with good-enough shots. I sold the Leicas and Ricohs and whatever else I had, left with a Sony ZV something that I'll give away if I ever find it.

The issue, btw, is not the sensor (on any of them), it's always the lens. I have zero interest and ability to shoot "street," and the wide-ish optics in my case are reserved for scapes, and those tiny lenses aren't good enough.

Now if OM reintroduced a PEN, I'm all over it...

I love Fuji. Went through several generations of XTs and Xpros, currently shooting GFX100, and would probably get GFX100ii this year.
I always wanted a small "travel" camera and over the years owned a dozen plus from all brands. Even before phone cameras were as good as they are today, those cameras just collected dust, mostly uncharged. The few times I made a concerted effort, mostly out of guilt, I never ended up with good-enough shots. I sold the Leicas and Ricohs and whatever else I had, left with a Sony ZV something that I'll give away if I ever find it.

The issue, btw, is not the sensor (on any of them), it's always the lens. I have zero interest and ability to shoot "street," and the wide-ish optics in my case are reserved for scapes, and those tiny lenses aren't good enough.

Now if OM reintroduced a PEN, I'm all over it...

I love Fuji. Went through several generations of XTs and Xpros, currently shooting GFX100, and would probably get GFX100ii this year.
You’re probably right as far as it collecting dust. Sony has a couple smaller bodies but don’t seem to get very good reviews. Not really sure about the Nikon version either. I owned the Z50 for a year or so and did like that body.
I do quite a bit of street and travel photography but the X100 family has always been a bit shy of what I needed or wanted. And the more I evolve my style, the less I like 35mm - I shoot 24 (rarely) and mostly 28, 50 and 80. Which really excludes the x100. The Xpro has been my workhorse for those applications. It’s bigger than I’d like but still smaller than a Sony a7cR with FF lenses and the A7c bodies have terrible EVFs. TBH, my A1 without grip is hardly bigger and does the job well when I want FF. One of these days I’ll rent a Leica Q3 to see if fits my way if shooting, at least for the 28 to 50mm range (through cropping).
“Good old days”, more simple times for me were when I traveled/shot with just my X100(F/V) and my D500+500PF. Here again soon, might just be back there with my Z8+600PF and X100VI.

The X100IV has that larger 40mp sensor, and one of the features I’m looking to explore again is the built-in crop modes. It both changes the field of view (23,50,70), but also crops the file in camera. Previously, the smaller 24/26mp sensors didn’t really work well for that because you’d end up with a small, pixelated file, but now you end up with a 20mp file at 50mm and 12mp at 70. Sure, you could crop in post, but for those of us who shoot strictly jpeg because we don’t want to do any pp, this is a nice feature.
Not the least bit interested in a small, MILC camera outside the Nikon ecosystem for any type of shooting I might do. I break things down into the following categories.

1. In my pocket, always with me, spontaneous snapshots, selfies, videos, hiking, etc. = iPhone 15 Pro Max

2. In my pocket, tank bag or lanyard around my neck (when on a motorcycle or bicycle) = Canon S100 (old, but takes great photos, shoots Raw and can be operated with one hand)

3. Small but capable travel or street body with UWA Zoom, Super Zoom and one fast, but small prime. For years this has been a D3200 (and before that a D90), 12-24 f4 and 18-70 f3.5-5.6 or an 18-300 f3.5-5.6, and a 28 f2. I won't cry if any of it gets damaged or stolen. I'm ready to move to MILC in this category and if Nikon releases a Z50 II, with Expeed 7, I'll be all over it. If they release an upgraded Zfc with Expeed 7, I might be tempted by that in leu of a Z50 II, though I'd prefer non-retro design. Lenses would include the Z 12-28 PZ and maybe the 50-250 zoom...I already have a Z 28 f2.8 and 40 f2. In some cases I might use some of my F DX/FX or Z FX lenses.

4. Everything else, I'm fully covered with a Z9 and Z8...and my existing inventory of F and Z lenses...though a Plena, PC lens or fast UWA can certainly tempt me.

Bottom line, I'm pretty much set and I see nothing on the horizon which would inspire me to upgrade or change course, whether shooting stills or video. Zero interest in Global Shutter, higher resolution, higher frame rate. While I believe that Nikon and others will continue to improve AF, for me personally, I'm not finding that I can't get the shots I want due to AF shortcomings...might take some work and patience, but I can do it. I've never appreciated what came easy anywhere nearly as much as what challenged me!

For walk-around/travel/pocket/purse/etc. the Sony RX100 series compact pocket camera is very nice and has been very popular over the life of the RX100 series.

That most recent iteration is the RX100 VII - 20 mp 1" stacked CMOS sensor, Zeiss 24-200mm f/2.8-4.5 zoom, pop-up flash and viewfinder, EVF, great AF including eye AF, 4K HDR video, etc.

I popped for one just before Christmas and got the last one in stock at large regional camera dealer. At many of the big dealers they were unobtanium and Sony's USA web site currently shows it Out of Stock. It's not inexpensive but never-the-less I was surprised at it's capabilities.
Nope. For casual shooting, I have my phone. For serious stuff, I'm bringing my camera with changeable lenses.

I also could not possibly care any less about the film sims or shooting jpg only with a dedicated camera.
To each their own.. I think that lugging around a FF camera and a bag of lenses on vacation or casual snaps of the family absurd, and the thought of post processing those shots even more of a drag 🤷‍♂️ Getting the shot composed in-camera and shooting jpeg ooc is liberating, and film sims add an element of fun that may not be everyone’s cup of tea. Sure, I can/do shoot the same stuff with my iPhone, but it isn’t anywhere near as satisfying or fun as using an actual camera.
To each their own.. I think that lugging around a FF camera and a bag of lenses on vacation or casual snaps of the family absurd, and the thought of post processing those shots even more of a drag 🤷‍♂️ Getting the shot composed in-camera and shooting jpeg ooc is liberating, and film sims add an element of fun that may not be everyone’s cup of tea. Sure, I can/do shoot the same stuff with my iPhone, but it isn’t anywhere near as satisfying or fun as using an actual camera.
Sure, and that's fine. But that's why we're all different. I answered the question from my perspective. I usually get my shots close, and don't spend a ton of time doing post (I'd say less than 1% of my edited shots take me more than 3 minutes to work on).
I had an X100S that I loved for years, sold it a year ago for half of what I originally paid in 2011 or so (could have done better selling private party, but I was uneducated in the options and traded in to one of the used company options). Was a great family camera, especially good at nailing skin tones with its algorithms and flash. I loved it!

I was/am tempted a bit by the VI, but I've dialed up my game on Nikon so am less willing to split between platforms. I loved the X100 platform when I had the little guy. Must resist temptation...must be strong... :)
While iPhone pics are certainly good these days I think even the cheapest real cameras provide better images but they are certainly closing the gap
I agree with both thoughts. I would be a lot more tempted with the Fuji, though, if I took more pics in that focal range. Fuji makes some fantastic cameras and the speed and performance are quickly catching up. It’s just that it’s hard to beat the convenience of the phone for me these days on “typical” focal lengths and casual shooting. It’s going to be with me one way or another anyway.