Asking for opinions on the Nikon Z 24-200 mm lens (4 - 6.3)

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Wink Jones

Well-known member
Supporting Member
I just received one, but have not been out to shoot yet, recovering from cataract surgery, and crummy weather...

I still have most of my thirty days left, but I would welcome any comments from the members who have this lens.

I could have purchased a larger aperture lens for a thousand dollars more, but it was also heavier. I think this could be a great travel lens.

Without taking the time to read the reviews myself, I clicked on the listing for B&H which at top gives a photo of star ratings (based on customer reviews). There are 163 reviews and here is the breakdown.
5 star: 124
4 star: 32
3 star: 5
2 star: 1
1 star: 1

So the reviews are overwhelingly positive. Seems like it should indeed be a good single solution for travel. BTW the one star review is meaningless and says Nikon Z is awful and you should not buy ANY Z products. Ummm, what?
Not sure I understand the question. You bought the lens and now you ask opinions and already second guess your purchase?
I bought it with the intention of testing it, which I still plan to do. I probably have another week before my eyes will not be blurry, and the weather has not helped at all. I am not an expert, and I am welcoming opinions from those who have/had the lens and either liked or did not like it.
Without taking the time to read the reviews myself, I clicked on the listing for B&H which at top gives a photo of star ratings (based on customer reviews). There are 163 reviews and here is the breakdown.
5 star: 124
4 star: 32
3 star: 5
2 star: 1
1 star: 1

So the reviews are overwhelingly positive. Seems like it should indeed be a good single solution for travel. BTW the one star review is meaningless and says Nikon Z is awful and you should not buy ANY Z products. Ummm, what?
Thank you. I had received a less than enthusiastic reply when I spoke with a rep at the company I bought it from. He wanted me to buy the heavier and more expensive 24 - 200.

Like you, I would totally ignore the one star review from the Z hater. I have been very happy with my Z9 and when I travel to both Italy and Portugal this summer, I want to carry a lighter pack. Your listing of the reviews lends credit to the lens. I am expecting to like it, and still, I am always amazed at the knowledge here.
I bought a copy as a general walk-around/travel lens - it is light enough, good zoom range - and I thoroughly enjoy using it. Don't need to carry a wide-angle as well, 200mm is generally sufficient for most things, IQ is good...OK, f4-6.3 is maybe not ideal in some circumstances but using higher ISO's are not so much of a problem these days with all the NR programs. Love it as an all-purpose/general/walk-around lens on my Z6II
Without taking the time to read the reviews myself, I clicked on the listing for B&H which at top gives a photo of star ratings (based on customer reviews). There are 163 reviews and here is the breakdown.
5 star: 124
4 star: 32
3 star: 5
2 star: 1
1 star: 1

So the reviews are overwhelingly positive. Seems like it should indeed be a good single solution for travel. BTW the one star review is meaningless and says Nikon Z is awful and you should not buy ANY Z products. Ummm, what?

You don't believe online reviews on retailers' sires, do you?
Thank you. I had received a less than enthusiastic reply when I spoke with a rep at the company I bought it from. He wanted me to buy the heavier and more expensive 24 - 200.

Like you, I would totally ignore the one star review from the Z hater. I have been very happy with my Z9 and when I travel to both Italy and Portugal this summer, I want to carry a lighter pack. Your listing of the reviews lends credit to the lens. I am expecting to like it, and still, I am always amazed at the knowledge here.
Newsflash: those reviews are mostly fake and heavily manipulated by the retailer. Could be good, could be bad lens, the reviews are meaningless. You can easily test that yourself, as I have done: try posting a legit 2 star review. Mine (two, both for SmallRig junk) never saw the light of day.
I own the 24-200 lens and love it when out on a hike. Yes, the 24-120 and 24-70 lenses are faster and sharper if you shoot test targets - but the 24-200 produces images that are good and print well up to at least 24”x36”, and I don’t have to carry (and change) multiple lenses while hiking.
I originally got the 24-200 with my Z5. I still use it on travel (no filter; lens hood on).
I usually have this with me unless I know I won't use the long end and would rather have one of two wide options (26mm for size or 14-30 for tighter places).
For the purposes of capturing travel adventures; it's great. On a recent Portugal trip, 40% of my images were with this lens. Since it's mostly a day time lens, I prefer the extra reach over the 24-120.
I bought a copy as a general walk-around/travel lens - it is light enough, good zoom range - and I thoroughly enjoy using it. Don't need to carry a wide-angle as well, 200mm is generally sufficient for most things, IQ is good...OK, f4-6.3 is maybe not ideal in some circumstances but using higher ISO's are not so much of a problem these days with all the NR programs. Love it as an all-purpose/general/walk-around lens on my Z6II
Thank you.
Newsflash: those reviews are mostly fake and heavily manipulated by the retailer. Could be good, could be bad lens, the reviews are meaningless. You can easily test that yourself, as I have done: try posting a legit 2 star review. Mine (two, both for SmallRig junk) never saw the light of day.
I write enough reviews to know that even my poor reviews are posted on the sites I buy from, such as Amazon. I admit I post very few one or two reviews, but those have been posted every time I have written one. I have never written a poor review on a camera site because I have never gotten a product which deserved one...

I do not overly rely on them, but they do influence me. I had not considered them before buying this lens as I knew my intention was to try and keep, or to try and return.
I own the 24-200 lens and love it when out on a hike. Yes, the 24-120 and 24-70 lenses are faster and sharper if you shoot test targets - but the 24-200 produces images that are good and print well up to at least 24”x36”, and I don’t have to carry (and change) multiple lenses while hiking.

This is exactly what I am looking for. I have the 70 - 200/ 2.8 lens and love it, however for street photography and landscapes it is often too large.

Thank you.
I have this lens and am very satisfied. I pair it with the 14-30 for a light weight travel combo w/Zf or maybe Z8. It does not have a function ring, just zoom and focus (unless you re-assign the focus ring)..
I originally got the 24-200 with my Z5. I still use it on travel (no filter; lens hood on).
I usually have this with me unless I know I won't use the long end and would rather have one of two wide options (26mm for size or 14-30 for tighter places).
For the purposes of capturing travel adventures; it's great. On a recent Portugal trip, 40% of my images were with this lens. Since it's mostly a day time lens, I prefer the extra reach over the 24-120.

Thank you. I went to Portugal last summer, and wish I had a lens like this then. I really blew it with my lens selection. I left my 500 non Z lens home, with the converter for the Z camera still attached. I could not use my 20/ 1.8 prime and my Z 70 - 200 was just too tight for the beautiful up and downhill streets in Lisbon. I got some great shots with my phone though...
I owned the Z 24-200 for a while but then traded for the Z 24-120. The 24-200 goes to 5.6 and 6.3 very early in the zoom range. I prefer the constant f4 of the 24-120 for my shooting.

Thank you. I will be aware of that with my testing. I plan on manual shutter and aperture combined with auto ISO. It will be interesting to see how well it does/does not work.
I have this lens and am very satisfied. I pair it with the 14-30 for a light weight travel combo w/Zf or maybe Z8. It does not have a function ring, just zoom and focus (unless you re-assign the focus ring)..

Thank you. My problem with re-assigning things is I can't seem to remember what I assigned to what. Getting old is better than the alternative, but it is also challenging...
If you haven’t already done so, check Ken Rockwell’s site for his review. He gets pretty deep in the “technical weeds” occasionally but is a good source of info.
I have the Z mount 24-120 that I use on my Z9. I have a friend who has both the 24-120mm and the 24-200mm Zmount lenses. He loves both of them. He uses the 24-200mm when he needs more reach. Which focal length you need depends on you.
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