Auto Capture for Z8?

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When firmware 4. was released, Nikon included a new photo shooting mode called Auto Capture. Hudson Henry released a couple of videos in the last week describing this new method that I’m dying to try. The Z9 update has been out for awhile now and we’ve not seen anything like it for the Z8. Do you think that Nikon will hold this back from the Z8 users as a way to provide more distinction between the two models or will the Z8 get this option soon? See the most recent video here:
When firmware 4. was released, Nikon included a new photo shooting mode called Auto Capture. Hudson Henry released a couple of videos in the last week describing this new method that I’m dying to try. The Z9 update has been out for awhile now and we’ve not seen anything like it for the Z8. Do you think that Nikon will hold this back from the Z8 users as a way to provide more distinction between the two models or will the Z8 get this option soon? See the most recent video here:
Don’t know answer to that but do know auto capture procedure screams for one of Steve’s awesome videos!
I have some speculative guesses.

They removed it from the promo becuase

1. They want to bumps sales of Z9's for a while and that feauture was a nice way to do it.
2. They realized that Z8's would likely be out of tolerance from the heatbuid up with the camera in this mode active for a very long time waiting for the trigger (perhaps an hour or longer in some cases).
3. Same thing for extending the Pre-Capture reset time from 30 seconds to 300 seconds - (This is how long it will stay active before you need to reset with another shutter half press) - This 300 seconds now has the camera writing to the buffer for minutes on end which generates heat probably similar to video.

I hope I'm wrong and these features will be coming to the Z8. Most of all, I'm hoping they create a Pre-Capture with RAW - Even if that means they have to make it 12 bit HE - (which BTW wouldn't be a bad way to go for regular shooting to get 30 fps instead of 20 fps (if that woudl help them do it, I would gladly take that compromise).

I have some speculative guesses.

They removed it from the promo becuase

1. They want to bumps sales of Z9's for a while and that feauture was a nice way to do it.
2. They realized that Z8's would likely be out of tolerance from the heatbuid up with the camera in this mode active for a very long time waiting for the trigger (perhaps an hour or longer in some cases).
3. Same thing for extending the Pre-Capture reset time from 30 seconds to 300 seconds - (This is how long it will stay active before you need to reset with another shutter half press) - This 300 seconds now has the camera writing to the buffer for minutes on end which generates heat probably similar to video.

I hope I'm wrong and these features will be coming to the Z8. Most of all, I'm hoping they create a Pre-Capture with RAW - Even if that means they have to make it 12 bit HE - (which BTW wouldn't be a bad way to go for regular shooting to get 30 fps instead of 20 fps (if that woudl help them do it, I would gladly take that compromise).

I hadn’t considered your points, other than the first one, which I hope that Nikon wouldn’t do that. Besides the issues that you raised, it could come down to that Nikon just thinks that the batteries in the Z8 are not strong enough to support the option. My response would be that one could always plug in an external battery pack.
Yah, I kind'a figured that (30+ Pages) Having tried and failed several times, it became frustrating. The only thing I learned from the Nikon Auto Capture guide was that there was nothing wrong with the camera when I came to something that was greyed out. All Nikon says about that is (paraphrasing) "Choices get narrower as you move through them". This may call for a chart of some sort or "If" / "Then" kind of information. Steve, I'm sure your explanation will be a lot more thorough than what has been put out so far. GOOD LUCK!
To me, auto capture is one of those marketing features with very little practical use. To be really useful, it needs to be dramatically simplified with greatly improved AF capabilities.
Hate to be that guy, but my gut says no Z8 AC; cameras need differentiation for the price difference. Battery performance, 2CFE cards, and some key features make up the $1,500. Hope I am wrong for you all.
To me, auto capture is one of those marketing features with very little practical use. To be really useful, it needs to be dramatically simplified with greatly improved AF capabilities.
Yes user interface needs help, but I do think it has uses. For example I can't get many bird shots in my yard without it. Way too skittish.
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