Auto ISO Z8

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I don't know that it makes sense to try to discuss dynamic range and noise as though they're two different things. In fact, dynamic range is literally defined (when speaking of the various tests that are supposed to measure it) in terms of how much noise will be found in the shadows for a given exposure of the highlights. If you have ever looked at any of the dynamic range charts for different sensors out there, this is what they are charting. Thus, saying that a sensor has more dynamic range at a given ISO is extremely similar to saying that the sensor will exhibit less noise at that ISO.

I'm not quite sure what you mean, then, when you say that at ISO 500 you notice an increased dynamic range, because using the standard definitions this is just saying that you see less noise in the shadows at ISO 500.

The thing is that if a given exposure calls for, say, ISO 250 or 320 you can't get to ISO 500 without changing the shutter speed or aperture, and this reduces real light on the sensor and this increases noise substantially. I suppose you could go into manual ISO and keep your SS and F stop where they are and just increase the ISO, but then you are going to lose an awful lot of highlight information.
By increased DR I mean I find more detail in the dark or shadows even in recovering them. When i have better noise performance i have more headroom to recover the detail in those shadows exposing less of the nose
Hello reader. Can you maybe tell me what are the best ISO Sensitivity settings on Nikon Z8. If I have auto off, I have the sensitivity on 100 and change it manually to the situation. But if I choose Auto Sensitivity Control ON. Ik would like to know what Maximum sensitivity and Minimum shutter speed setting is advisable. Great thanks in advance for your reaction
I don't know that it makes sense to try to discuss dynamic range and noise as though they're two different things. In fact, dynamic range is literally defined (when speaking of the various tests that are supposed to measure it) in terms of how much noise will be found in the shadows for a given exposure of the highlights. If you have ever looked at any of the dynamic range charts for different sensors out there, this is what they are charting. Thus, saying that a sensor has more dynamic range at a given ISO is extremely similar to saying that the sensor will exhibit less noise at that ISO.

I'm not quite sure what you mean, then, when you say that at ISO 500 you notice an increased dynamic range, because using the standard definitions this is just saying that you see less noise in the shadows at ISO 500.

The thing is that if a given exposure calls for, say, ISO 250 or 320 you can't get to ISO 500 without changing the shutter speed or aperture, and this reduces real light on the sensor and this increases noise substantially. I suppose you could go into manual ISO and keep your SS and F stop where they are and just increase the ISO, but then you are going to lose an awful lot of highlight information.

Hello reader. Can you maybe tell me what are the best ISO Sensitivity settings on Nikon Z8. If I have auto off, I have the sensitivity on 100 and change it manually to the situation. But if I choose Auto Sensitivity Control ON. Ik would like to know what Maximum sensitivity and Minimum shutter speed setting is advisable. Great thanks in advance for your reaction
One big advantage of Auto ISO is that the camera will set the ISO values in 1/6 increments of a stop, whereas is you set it manually it's in ⅓ stop increments - so the camera will be slightly closer to needed value
By increased DR I mean I find more detail in the dark or shadows even in recovering them. When i have better noise performance i have more headroom to recover the detail in those shadows exposing less of the nose
DR at least how photonstophotos defines it is what's left between the noise floor and saturated. So very related terms.
Yes noise is involved but when i think of and what i can see is more detail in the shadows when pulled. I notice that now then noise. Noise destroys detail so be default less noise should mean more detail. But prior to and after pulling detail i don't see any tangible difference in the noise level in those areas