B&H price match

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I recently bought a laptop from them and today it was advertised at $100. Less. They have a 30 day price match policy, which I believe is extended for the Holidays. I contacted them this morning and I will be refunded $100. So if you've bought anything recently check the current sale prices. To be clear this is for prices advertised on their website.
I recently bought a laptop from them and today it was advertised at $100. Less. They have a 30 day price match policy, which I believe is extended for the Holidays. I contacted them this morning and I will be refunded $100. So if you've bought anything recently check the current sale prices. To be clear this is for prices advertised on their website.
Thank you. We're very glad you're so pleased. Thanks for taking the time to say so.
I purchased a photo backpack from B&H 2 weeks ago. This morning I received an email from the manufacturer letting me know the bag was now on a "Black Friday" sale for 20% less through their web site. I checked and saw that B&H was also selling it for 20% less. I sent B&H an email asking about the possibility of a refund/price adjustment for the difference (about $60) since I had just purchased it and received notice of the refund/price adjustment in about 30 minutes. B&H also did the same type of refund/price adjustment when I bought a lens a couple of years ago and the manufacturer, 2 days later, announced a $300 "Instant Rebate". Very happy with their customer service.
I recently bought a laptop from them and today it was advertised at $100. Less. They have a 30 day price match policy, which I believe is extended for the Holidays. I contacted them this morning and I will be refunded $100. So if you've bought anything recently check the current sale prices. To be clear this is for prices advertised on their website.
Thanks! I received my Z8 one week before the "Black Friday $300 off sale" from B&H. I sent them an email today about the price difference after reading your post, and I will be getting a $300 refund. Thank you, B&H.,
Their BF Z8 sale also included a camera bag and SDII card. I bought a Z8 a week before with $300 off in trade-in program. I wrote and asked dor the BF sale accessorie (why not). They sent them out the same day--building additional goodwill with me.
Spotted the price guarantee thing in another thread on here last week, and when making another order with B&H mentioned it and had a refund processed within minutes for a previous order made days before the Black Friday sales :) A first for me! I think I may start cutting coupons out of the paper next :)
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