Backing Up Photos - While on the Go - Without a Laptop

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If I needed 100% security it would require having Raw files copied to both cards in the camera and then having the second set carried around by another person. Not sure what I would gain in terrms of security by doing this.

Duplicate / redundant copies means that you're covered in case the first back up fails you, for whatever reason.

I haven't experienced many card failures either. But if I travel to a place I can't very easily (or inexpensively) return to for a reshoot, it's a big deal if I lose an image (for whatever reason). Doubly so if it was a location I don't plan on ever returning to. I such cases, I require as close to 100% security as possible on ALL images.

I know we may differ on this part, but I'll mention it in case it's valuable to others: Calculating the number of cards required for 4k shots (example estimate of shots), then duplicating that number of cards for redundant copies of all shots taken, would be prohibitively expensive in my book. So I back up to hard drives at the end of each day (2 drives for redundant copies, because the cards will be formatted). And even after doing this, I STILL get nervous formatting the cards for reuse.

Additionally, I have had one of the 2 backup drives become unstable in the field (several days away from getting home and working things out). So I'm glad to keep extra space on the laptop for additional copies. And now I carry one of those 1TB keychain SSDs (relatively cheap insurance at Costco), just for added protection.

Insurance is insurance and none of us want to have to use it, but without it during a catastrophic failure, we're toast.
