- Post score: 32
- #1
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On the Beach --- Bald Eagle on the lookout for food. Boughton Strait, Vancouver Island. D850 with Nikon 300mm. Pf plus 1.4 TC @ 420mm. ISO 2000, f5.6, 1/1000 sec.. Handheld from a boat. 22/09/18.
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Shoulder Shrug --- Immature Bald Eagle on Nekite River bank (B.C.), looking for Salmon leftovers from the Grizzly bears. D850 with Nikon 400mm. f2.8, ISO 720, 1/500 Sec.. Tripod. 23/09/18.
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No Loitering Here --- Immature Bald Eagle flying clear with fish scraps. Nekite River (B.C), D850 with 400mm. f2.8, ISO 200, 1/500 Sec.. Tripod. 23/09/18.
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Chilling Out --- Bald Eagle resting in a Pacific Silver Fir tree in the Nekite River estuary (B.C.). Taken with D850 and Nikon 300mm. Pf plus 1.4 TC. @420 mm. f5.6, ISO 1250, 1/1250 Sec.. Handheld from a boat. 24/09/18.