Bald Eagles --- British Columbia, Canada.

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Great series of shots, Gottshotz! The handheld shutter speeds from a boat are impressive. I usually have to kick it up a little faster to compensate from the wave action! Good work!
Great series of shots, Gottshotz! The handheld shutter speeds from a boat are impressive. I usually have to kick it up a little faster to compensate from the wave action! Good work!
Thanks Greg, usually I would rachet up the shutter speed too, but on this day the water was very calm and the boat driver was excellent at holding the craft steady --- lucky me !!
You’re right about the european white-tails, there are real similarities. I just had the pleasure of photographing some on the Scottish island of Mull. Yours are a lovely set of images and I particularly like the immature scavenger which documents beautifully the opportunism of these magnificent birds.
You’re right about the european white-tails, there are real similarities. I just had the pleasure of photographing some on the Scottish island of Mull. Yours are a lovely set of images and I particularly like the immature scavenger which documents beautifully the opportunism of these magnificent birds.
Thanks RikArt --- Yeh, I had hoped to get over to Mull earlier this year for the sea eagles and otters, but like everything else, that's on hold until next year --fingers crossed !
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