Bateleur eagles from Botswana - lifer for me

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What an array of birds of prey in Botswana and Zambia! Unreal variety including these strikingly beautiful black and tawny eagles with scarlet faces. Took a ton of shots and just now getting through them. The 200-600mm G OSS 5.6-6.3 performed like a champ and in our vehicles the 600mm f/4 would have been way to big. Took an a9 as backup to the a1 but the a1 was flawless. Battery life was very good and I could go a session without running low on charge. That said I took 5 batteries! Took a 24-70mm Sigma 2.8, 70-200 f/4 Sony, and the 200-600mm. Dusty and hot environment had a towel to put over the cameras when running on dirt (which was all the time). Putting together a portfolio on SmugMug with the best of my 9k photos taken over 16 days.
Bateleur or Short tail eagles 10302021.jpg
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Udall, this is a great shot. I do think you can improve it significantly with some post processing. The colors here are way more muted than in real life. I would do three things: Increase exposure, contrast, and color saturation.