Bears Bears Bears?

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First thanks to all who answered my questions about my recent Botswana (Pangolin) trip. It was fantastic. Now I am now starting the planning for my next adventure being grizzly's/brown bears.

Does anyone have any recommendations on location/lodges/phototour etc.

I am looking at BC or Alaska at the moment as opposed to Yellowstone/Teton, etc

I am looking for lower density higher quality photo experience so Brooks Falls is also not on the list.
Alaska, hands down. At Katmai and Lake Clark NPs, you're virtually guaranteed to see all the bear you could possibly want, often at very close range (like 50'). Many outfitters offer day flights to these two parks, and there are a few lodges although they tend to be quite expensive (to me at least) and fill up well in advance. I had an unbelievable week last summer making daily flights into the parks from Homer, AK with a pilot/guide named Martin Borland (Scenic Bear Viewing), for about $800/day, which was worth every penny. Martin is very knowledgeable, will get you at the best spots without many other humanoids, and is an highly experienced and careful pilot. In my mind, you'd be hard pressed to do better.

P.S. You may have seen a viral video of a charging bear on the Internet - that was Martin standing his ground.
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Alaska, hands down. At Katmai and Lake Clark NPs, you're virtually guaranteed to see all the bear you could possibly want, often at very close range (like 50'). Many outfitters offer day flights to these two parks, and there are a few lodges although they tend to be quite expensive (to me at least) and fill up well in advance. I had an unbelievable week last summer making daily flights into the parks from Homer, AK with a pilot/guide named Martin Borland (Scenic Bear Viewing), for about $800/day, which was worth every penny. Martin is very knowledgeable, will get you at the best spots without many other humanoids, and is an highly experienced and careful pilot. In my mind, you'd be hard pressed to do better.

P.S. You may have seen a viral video of a charging bear on the Internet - that was Martin standing his ground.
Well that experience with Marin would certainly be memorable for those involved.