Benezette,Pa Elk

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This past september made trip to Bennezette, Pa. They have a decent size heard of Elk in the area. We caught some nice action at the vistor center viewing are in the evening. The following day we explored some of the woods and trails around the hill sides, and found three bulls resting in the forest. I was able to get this shot through the brush. Heavy crop, used D500 w/tamron 70-200@200 .
down sizedDSC_4631 Elk resting in Woods 9-15-22.jpg
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Nice environmental image, Guy. You might consider trying to darken the bright patch on the FG tree. It draws my attention. Actually due to the patchy sunlight all along the bottom edge of the frame this image could also benefit from a vignette.
Nice environmental image, Guy. You might consider trying to darken the bright patch on the FG tree. It draws my attention. Actually due to the patchy sunlight all along the bottom edge of the frame this image could also benefit from a vignette.
Thanks and yes agreed on the fg tree with that light, I'll give it a go see what I can do with that. Thank you