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Until now I've only photographed Cooper's Hawks from a great distance usually covered in branches. Yesterday was amazing. At the suggestion of a fellow photographer, I visited a parking lot along a bay here on Long Island. As I'm driving to the far corner near the water, I see a shape that could only be a
Cooper's on the fence-small-3719.jpg
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hawk. It remained there for a good 10-15 minutes; dove out of site and returned a minute later when I was able to capture these images. Couldn't wait to get home to start processing them. Very happy with the results and the sharpness of the new Z180-600. Shot with a Z9 and the 180-600
Cooper's flyby Wallpaper-small.jpg
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Cooper's on the fence_small-.jpg
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Nice captures! These hawks are the terror of my neighborhood, but they are hard to capture. They often seem to come out of nowhere, flying over roof lines and diving into gardens to surprise small birds or squirrels. But I seldomly catch them out in the open. Thanks for sharing.