Best place to sell used Camera

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I shutter to think (no pun intended) the dollar amount of the stuff I’ve bought and sold over at FM over the years going back to the days of the Canon 1D which was A LONG TIME AGO. Never not sold an item and always gotten close to my ask. Never once had an issue on hundreds of transactions. Some phenomenal deals also on new full warranty with receipt gear from the Big 3 mfg’s being sold by some of the members! REALLY REALLY good deals if you are shopping for both used and new gear.

Once you get some positive seller feedback under your belt your stuff will sell quicker but being able to see the positive feedback of other members is the best aspect of the FM classifieds. If you buy and sell a fair amount and plan on being in this “hobby” for the long run it is worth the effort of establishing some solid feedback at FM. The site has always been great and the FM classifieds get a lot of traffic!
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