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Great forum looking forward to more.
Rock Martin, Damaraland, Namibia. Nikon F4, 300/2.8, f6.3, 1/4000, ISO1600
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All great images. Love to shot action. I'll jump in with a few.
Red-shouldered Hawk
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Bald Eagle discussion over dinner.
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Mixed shorebird flock in flight.
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Great idea for a thread! Wonderful shots too! I'll post a few of my favs:

1. Macaw going straight up!

View attachment 1422

2. Snowy Owl taking flight

View attachment 1423

Spoonbill in flight

View attachment 1424

Black-bellied whistling ducks fighting

View attachment 1425

And a near miss with a pair of great egrets

View attachment 1426
I've seen all these before in your other posts on your Gallery but never get tired of seeing your great work. Gives me something to strive for.