Bison Roadguard

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I don't believe he wasn't going to let me continue until his herd safely crossed the road.

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Magnificent fellow! Few years ago after waiting about 40 minutes for the Bison herd to clear the roadway (off season so not a car to be be seen; late day losing light so I had to get back to my car) when on my road bike in Elk Island National Park the herd final moved off the road, and I got a good speedy start to zip past them as quickly as possible. A large male must have been startled by my movement and he bellowed (brilliant sound) and went from zero to FAST and up out of the ditch simultaneously turning to face me. As he hit the blacktop he slipped and went down, roaring again. I laid rubber stopping the bike, somehow didn't come off. I then had to go from stop to get the hell out of there speed in a high gear; luckily I think his slip scared the hell ouf of the bull and in the few seconds that all transpired in he charged across the road into the other ditch and up a hill with the majority of the herd which his movement started moving, luckily away from the road.. Love Bison. The park is 40 minutes from my place and visit often, but have not returned to ride through the park :)
Magnificent fellow! Few years ago after waiting about 40 minutes for the Bison herd to clear the roadway (off season so not a car to be be seen; late day losing light so I had to get back to my car) when on my road bike in Elk Island National Park the herd final moved off the road, and I got a good speedy start to zip past them as quickly as possible. A large male must have been startled by my movement and he bellowed (brilliant sound) and went from zero to FAST and up out of the ditch simultaneously turning to face me. As he hit the blacktop he slipped and went down, roaring again. I laid rubber stopping the bike, somehow didn't come off. I then had to go from stop to get the hell out of there speed in a high gear; luckily I think his slip scared the hell ouf of the bull and in the few seconds that all transpired in he charged across the road into the other ditch and up a hill with the majority of the herd which his movement started moving, luckily away from the road.. Love Bison. The park is 40 minutes from my place and visit often, but have not returned to ride through the park :)

WOW! What an experience. Thanks for sharing it.