Black and white panorama (handheld)

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My bad about the boring photo. This was mainly just a test photo but I quite like it, despite it not being my best and sharpest, i like the feel of it and I rarely do black and white but it works perfectly for this panorama. I hope to do more black and white though as the weather allows perfectly for black and white photography, I normaly do color and I prefer color, but a B&W photo is always fine once in a while. This photo was taken at the Zwarte Haan in the Netherlands, Friesland today January 4th 2023. The photo was shot on the Fujifilm XH2 with a 16-80mm lens (still the only lens I currently use but I am planning on getting the Tamron 18-300 soon) Note: It was around wind force 6 when I took this panorama and the settings were: 1/50 of a second, F8, ISO 320.