Black-Backed Kingfisher

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The Black-backed Kingfisher or Oriental Dwarf Kingfisher is said to be the smallest kingfisher in the world. They're residents of tropical forests in South and SE Asia. Very reclusive and barely spottable most of the year, they breed in July-August, excavating nests in vertical soft mud hill/cliff walls. After the eggs hatch both parents spend the whole day feeding the chicks. While returning to the nest with food they "pause" on a perch for a few seconds, look around for predators, before entering the nest. This the only time this bird is "reliably" visible at "a spot". Picture taken on 27th August 2020 at a hide set up for the purpose. The perch was about 40 feet away

It was mid-afternoon, overcast with intermittent rain - light was quite low. The original background was a muddy brown that I darkened in post-production. This is how the bird appears. No extra saturation applied. Don't just take my word, Google an image search for ODKF :)

Nikon D500 + Nikon 600mm FL ED on a tripod
1/1500, F4, ISO 2500

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