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Well-known member
Blue-Eared Kingfisher, Adult, male.
Nikon Z8 + Nikon 600mm F6.3 PF + TC 1.4

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Beautiful shot👍👍👍
Thank you !
Great photo. Great bird. Great Lens!!
Thank you, Agree on all counts.
Thanks, and I was projecting. I tell myself I'm going to start using the tripod with my 600 tc and have yet to do so in any real way, whatsoever....

I actually do use the 600PF handheld quite a bit. On this particular day the light was low, I already had some "insurance" shots and tried (Steve's advice) experimenting with long bursts at a low shutter speed hoping one or two would turn out sharp. This was one of those.

WoW Looks Pro. Very nice
Thank you !
Beautiful shot, really impressive.
Thank you so much.
Stunning shot. Fantastic light and colors. The background is a wonderful match for the bird and I really like the pose of the kingfisher.