Blue Tit , Parus caeruleus on ***** Willow, Salix discolor.

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***** willow, or Palm as we sometimes call it always reminds me of my dear old mum. As a child (many years ago!) I always went and picked her some to put in a vase so we could have a bit of spring indoors. The pollen made a hell of a mess on the table but that didn't matter, spring was on its way and all the excitement that offered. So, as always,
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I was delighted to see the Palm, and equally delighted to snap the blue tit amongst it.
Oh dear, it appears my title has been censored! I certainly meant no offence and the other name for a cat was quite innocently inserted, How naive of me! Let's refer to it as Goat Willow which I think is another name. Sorry everybody!