Bobcat Hunting Sequence

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This is a rather young bobcat that I was able to observe as it tried to find its evening meal. I was not able to determine the gender of this youngster, as I just never quite got that view.

1. Close up of the handsome young feline.

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2. Trying to size up this ground hog and not quite sure about it.

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3. Ahhh - much better! The bobcat spotted a chipmunk across the walkway and pounced like lightning.

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4. Moving off to enjoy the evening catch.

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5. One final pose as the light fades, just prior to the bobcat disappearing for the night.

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Really a nice series, Fred. Beautiful cat and you did a great job capturing it. That groundhog didn't look too worried. Probably a good thing the cat didn't make a go for it.
This is a rather young bobcat that I was able to observe as it tried to find its evening meal. I was not able to determine the gender of this youngster, as I just never quite got that view.

1. Close up of the handsome young feline.

View attachment 24787

2. Trying to size up this ground hog and not quite sure about it.

View attachment 24788

3. Ahhh - much better! The bobcat spotted a chipmunk across the walkway and pounced like lightning.

View attachment 24789

4. Moving off to enjoy the evening catch.

View attachment 24790

5. One final pose as the light fades, just prior to the bobcat disappearing for the night.

View attachment 24791
Awesome series Fred!👍👍👍Love that first shot.
Excellent series, you captured some great images.

Thank you Woody.

Great series, thanks for sharing it with us.

Thank you!

Really a nice series, Fred. Beautiful cat and you did a great job capturing it. That groundhog didn't look too worried. Probably a good thing the cat didn't make a go for it.

Thanks. It was fun to watch. The bobcat approached the ground hog and just stopped, weighing the odds. The ground hog arched his back and did everything it could to look bigger. After a few minutes of standoff the ground hog tried to retreat, but each time it took a step backwards, the Bobcat would advance a step. Finally the bobcat spotted the chipmunk moving out of the corner of its eye and took off like lightning to pounce on the chipmunk. Mr. ground hog then immediately left the area while the bobcat was occupied.

As has been mentioned, absolutely great series!

Thank you Bill, I'm glad you liked it.

Super!! !


Awesome series Fred!👍👍👍Love that first shot.

Thanks Ralph, glad you liked it. I was amazed at how close it allowed me. Taken at 400mm.
This is a rather young bobcat that I was able to observe as it tried to find its evening meal. I was not able to determine the gender of this youngster, as I just never quite got that view.

1. Close up of the handsome young feline.

View attachment 24787

2. Trying to size up this ground hog and not quite sure about it.

View attachment 24788

3. Ahhh - much better! The bobcat spotted a chipmunk across the walkway and pounced like lightning.

View attachment 24789

4. Moving off to enjoy the evening catch.

View attachment 24790

5. One final pose as the light fades, just prior to the bobcat disappearing for the night.

View attachment 24791
Great opportunity Fred. Well capitalized on.

This is a rather young bobcat that I was able to observe as it tried to find its evening meal. I was not able to determine the gender of this youngster, as I just never quite got that view.

1. Close up of the handsome young feline.

View attachment 24787

2. Trying to size up this ground hog and not quite sure about it.

View attachment 24788

3. Ahhh - much better! The bobcat spotted a chipmunk across the walkway and pounced like lightning.

View attachment 24789

4. Moving off to enjoy the evening catch.

View attachment 24790

5. One final pose as the light fades, just prior to the bobcat disappearing for the night.

View attachment 24791
What a great series of shots!

Nice work :)
This is a rather young bobcat that I was able to observe as it tried to find its evening meal. I was not able to determine the gender of this youngster, as I just never quite got that view.

1. Close up of the handsome young feline.

View attachment 24787

2. Trying to size up this ground hog and not quite sure about it.

View attachment 24788

3. Ahhh - much better! The bobcat spotted a chipmunk across the walkway and pounced like lightning.

View attachment 24789

4. Moving off to enjoy the evening catch.

View attachment 24790

5. One final pose as the light fades, just prior to the bobcat disappearing for the night.

View attachment 24791
very impressive
Great opportunity Fred. Well capitalized on.


Thank you Jim.

Great find!

Thanks Steve, it was. Sometimes we get lucky. :)

Stunning series. Thanks.

thanks, glad you like it Rick.

What a great series of shots!

Nice work :)

Thank you Hatch.

Very nice pictures. How far away were you from the bobcat?

Thanks. The distance varied, as the cat moved around looking for prey. The first and last shot were from maybe 15 feet, I have others as far away as 40 or 50 meters. I used a 200-400 f/4 lens, which was perfect in this situation.

Stunning shots! So sad for chipmunk. 😢

Thanks Jer, I'm glad you think so. Yeah, tough day for the chipmunk. Nature.

very impressive

Thank you for commenting.
What an opportunity Fred and great shots !!!

Thank you, it really was an awesome opportunity.

I am surprised that you could get 15 feet from the bobcat. Great photos!!

I guess it's not fair to say I got within 15 from the bobcat. I remained in one spot, and the cat moved close to me. So technically, the bobcat got within 15 feet of me. :)