Book Updates (again)

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Steve, please charge a couple of bucks for the next update. I feel like the family/friend who comes to me to ask me to do work for free. Work deserves pay.

FYI - He accepts voluntary donations to help support his work and all the free content he also offers.

After clicking on the link, I had to right-click to get the CONTRIBUTE icon to open....
Steve, please charge a couple of bucks for the next update. I feel like the family/friend who comes to me to ask me to do work for free. Work deserves pay.
I've thought about it, but It gets complicated really fast form a programming standpoint. Who should pay for the update, who just bought the book and shouldn't? How much of an update constitutes a fee? All that kind of stuff. And, the big one - how many people purchase the book in part because of the free updates? Charging for updates may ultimately cost me more than not. :)

With luck, Nikon will get to a point where their mirrorless system is more mature and things will slow down a bit. I think they need to, not just because of me :) but because it's a pain for users to constantly be learning new controls, deciding how to implement them, and readjusting their field workflow.
Excellent @Steve how can those of us already with the book, pay you? Could we buy again? I’d be willing…don’t want to break your store though by buying 2x
The updates are free, so no worries :)

If you want to go further, we have the BCG Donations Page here:


It has options for upgrades, merchandise, monetary contributions, and affiliate links :)
Well, If Nikon pops in a global shutter, or changes the .bin to something more Sony’ish, Or adds 3D tracking within a custom AF box, or adds Auto ISO to the far end of the ring, I’m sure you will be more then happy to update 😀

Thank you Steve for the updates. I bought all the books and recommending it to others who do non wildlife photography, such as people 😀😀.
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