Book Updates (again)

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Just a quick heads-up. I've updated both Secrets To The Nikon Autofocus System and the Z8/9 Setup guide (both are at version 1.7).

You can download them from the My Account area:

It was less than a month since the last update! Hopefully this will hold us for awhile.
Thx Steve, I will donate an amount equal to new price to stimulate your efforts :)
With luck, Nikon will get to a point where their mirrorless system is more mature and things will slow down a bit. I think they need to, not just because of me :) but because it's a pain for users to constantly be learning new controls, deciding how to implement them, and readjusting their field workflow.
I really hope they bring pre-release capture in a RAW format before they slow down their updtates 😉

Thank@s for the update, Steve! 😊
I really hope they bring pre-release capture in a RAW format before they slow down their updtates 😉

Thank@s for the update, Steve! 😊
I feel like they don't have the hardware for it, otherwise I think they would have by now. Hopefully I'm wrong on that one. :)
Just a quick heads-up. I've updated both Secrets To The Nikon Autofocus System and the Z8/9 Setup guide (both are at version 1.7).

You can download them from the My Account area:

It was less than a month since the last update! Hopefully this will hold us for awhile.
Since you’ve got several upcoming weeks in Africa…one can certainly hope so😀.
Since you’ve got several upcoming weeks in Africa…one can certainly hope so😀.
If not, then updates will get out when they get out :) I can't cancel / compromise workshops over Nikon's firmware whims :)

I've been lucky with them so far in that I haven't been at the beginning of an extended trip when they pop up. However, the next few months are really busy, so we'll see. It's probably a good thing both major updates were issued recently - it'll be some time before another major update (minor updates are easy).
What happens if Nikon introduces a major new camera update next week? Sorry Steve you have to cancel your travel plans.:cry::cry::cry::cry::cry:

To make you feel a little better I am going in now to make another donation.
I feel like they don't have the hardware for it, otherwise I think they would have by now. Hopefully I'm wrong on that one. :)
Ugh…I really hope you’re wrong. I probably don’t understand the math or the hardware limitations well enough, but it seems like they could at least do a 12 bit, 20 fps raw pre-capture in DX mode…and I would use that….a lot.

Olympus has been able to do 40 fps, 20 mpx raw pre-release for years with their hardware. DX is about 20 MPX. I think 12 bit would help a lot. And go down to 20 fps.

Seems to me that might be less than half the bandwidth OM1 is doing?
With my DSLR cameras I needed to spend time setting them up and learning how best to make use of new capabilities as with going from a D4 to a D5 or to a D6. Now the good news is that features are for the first time being added to cameras with firmware updates. The not so good news is that I am spending more time to learn how these new function actually work and any potential pitfalls.

The updates from Steve have been a godsend in every respect and his are the only guides that are being regularly updated (and for free) for the Nikon mirrorless cameras.
Thank you Steve for the updates and all the info you share. You have helped me and so many others become better photographers. Have you considered setting up a patreon account? Many youtubers earn $ from members who pay a small monthly fee to get a bit of extra behind the scenes content.
also I see some members have a tag that says supporting member. How can I help you and become a supporting member?

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In Addition, many members donate money when Steve releases a free major update to one of his eBooks......

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Steve, please charge a couple of bucks for the next update. I feel like the family/friend who comes to me to ask me to do work for free. Work deserves pay.
I agree. In the alternative subscribers can always “donate” a few dollars on the BCG Store website. I do that periodically but probably not often enough considering the quality information Steve produces.
Pre-capture with Raw is provided by the 20MP Olympus OM-1 camera introduced in 2022 and this camera can provide 10 fps with its mechanical shutter and 120 fps with it electronic shutter. No reason why the Z9 and Z8 could not provide this capability, even if the fps was lower than the standard 20 fps. Pre-capture JPG is worthless for my own shooting.
Pre-capture with Raw is provided by the 20MP Olympus OM-1 camera introduced in 2022 and this camera can provide 10 fps with its mechanical shutter and 120 fps with it electronic shutter. No reason why the Z9 and Z8 could not provide this capability, even if the fps was lower than the standard 20 fps. Pre-capture JPG is worthless for my own shooting.
I'd take 10 FPS of precapture RAW :)
I'd take 10 FPS of precapture RAW :)
HE* raw for precapture would be ok too. And maybe allow a bit more in FPS?

I’ve wondered if Nikon’s adding jpeg fine to precapture in Z9 FW 5.0 was for sports photographers and the Olympics or was an indication they could not do any form of raw precapture and jpeg fine was the best we could get with current hardware.
It probably has to do with the processing of a 14-bit file for NEF as compared to working at the 8-bit level to output a JPG file. If Nikon thought this was more than a novelty they would provide a Raw solution. As mentioned the needs of the sports photographer are what is viewed as being of commercial importance and the wildlife photographer only gets what is and overlap of their needs with those of the sports photographer.
It probably has to do with the processing of a 14-bit file for NEF as compared to working at the 8-bit level to output a JPG file. If Nikon thought this was more than a novelty they would provide a Raw solution. As mentioned the needs of the sports photographer are what is viewed as being of commercial importance and the wildlife photographer only gets what is and overlap of their needs with those of the sports photographer.
I can understand why the 14 bit NEF file would cause some issues at anything above maybe 15 fps, but I'm not clear why they wouldn't just make a 12 bit file for this purpose. Sony uses a hybrid 13 bit file for their A1 to get 30 fps. Olympus has a 14 bit raw file Pre-Capture feature at 40 fps, I believe.

I'm not sure if the compressions to HE* or HE actually helps with the bandwidth. I think Thom Hogan mentioned something about this on his site, that the camera still has to process the full 14 bit NEF file first, then compress it, so it doesn't matter if it's compressed in terms of handling more FPS for the Pre-capture. I'm not sure I get it, because you get a lot more buffer or at least images written to the card in HE* and HE than you do uncompressed Raw with normal shooting.

It's really frustrating...I think they can do it.

I hope they think of wildlife shooters and not just the Sports crowd for this feature. It's a complete game changer. I just shot 27,000 photo's of birds at a great location and 90% of the keepers were using Pre-Release and are JPG's :(.

My last hope is that this final RED purcahse will allow them some sort of compression technology release for RAW photo's....Maybe. I invested heavily into Z8 camera bodies with the anticipatiion that RAW pre-capture was going to happen via firmware. I really don't want to have to wait another 2 years and buy another $10k worth of bodies to get it.