Caddo Lake, East Texas

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Wonderful! I often like to frame this sort of shot in a way that excludes the obvious visual cues as to what it is -- e.g., use just the upper right portion to create a natural abstract art. But this as it stands is absolutely stunning in my book.
I like the sense of place in this shot. The moss and the cypress trees fading off into the background are very nice. Nice use of backlighting.

I think if it were mine I would have toned down the bright backlight moss a bit and maybe bumped up the exposure on the GBH a bit just to emphasize it a bit more. (That's assuming that you wanted to emphasize the GBH.)
Beautiful image; if it were mine, I'd tone down the brightness a bit in the upper half and maybe lift the brightness JUST a smidge on the Blue Heron in the foreground.
Beautiful shot, well captured and presented. Reminds me of my single visit there back in the early 80's. Not sure I even have those old prints still around.
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