Canada goose

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Canadian Goose 2.jpg
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Nikon D750 300mm f5.6 1/1000sec ISO 1100 EXP 0
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That is a huge goose!
As an ID shot - it is good, clear and sharp, and you know exactly what the goose looks like. it has lovely colours, and especially the light tipped brown feathers on the wings are beautiful!
I would have loved to see a lot more space around it. It seems you literally cropped around the goose.
Such a close crop also mean the goose is right op top of the right side border - which is a very uncomfortable position usually.
A wider crop will also accentuate the size of the goose.
I personally prefer a standard crop for most images.
As per the attached image - this would work better - but it by no means the only crop that would work. It's just a suggestion.
with a bigger image, a lower angle would serve you better too. If the goose had been swimming towards you - instead of swimming away from you, you also get a more pleasing photo.
Some of the white feathers under the wings, towards the back, is blown out, but it is very slight and not a deal breaker at all for me personally. For the rest, the exposure is very good.
Please remember my comments are only my opinion, but I hope it helped
Screenshot 2023-10-02 at 18.22.47.png
Canada, not Canadian Goose. Unless it's from Canada, in which case it would be a Canadian Canada Goose.

And while we're on the subject:
I like the extra reflections caused by the bow wake in the new crop. Not only did the crop give the goose a bit more room to breath but also added some nice elements to the foreground.
Great birds to practice with. Here's my #1 tip with waterfowl that I've picked up. Get your lens down to water level next time, if possible. Eye level shots with waterfowl will give you a very nice blurred background and a more intimate look at the bird. Otherwise, it looks like you're standing above the bird, plus most of the water (and distracting stuff in the water) would be in focus. Keep at it!