CFExpress Card and Adobe Bridge Photo Downloader Issues

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I have a Lexar 128GB CFExpress type B card for capturing images on my Nikon Z6ii. I am running Adobe Bride 12 on a MacBook Pro running Monterey.

When I plug the CFExpress card reader (UNITEK) into my computer I can see the card in the finder. However in Adobe Bride Photo Downloader it says
None Detected - No Device Found
I have read numerous complaints about this issue on message boards, but none of them explain the issue or offer a solution that has worked for me. The favorite answer is

Allow Full Disk Access for Adobe Bride

Full Disk Access

I have enabled Full Disk Access and rebooted. Still no luck.

Why is this an issue and what is the solution? I know that I can drag the photos from the disk to a local folder the finder but that is far from ideal as I like to rename the photos and convert them to DNG when I ingest them.

I would like to know why this is happening and how to resolve it.

Thank you.
Can't help directly, but I'm sure that I've seen this issue before either on here or on another forum. Not sure if Bridge was invloved, but it was with a MAC. I'll see if I can find it on the other forum.
No luck on the other forum. The more I think about it, the more I believe that it was on there, but I've tried different search terms with no luck. Been back 7 months and I have to give up.

I don't think that it involved a CFe card, but it was the same issue. Have you got the same issue with other memory cards?
Just googled this issue (not specifying CFe card) and found this:

There is mention of what you have already done re full disk access, but if you scroll down a bit to correct answer by gary c Adobe Community Pro Oct 30 2020, this is there:

Next go to the Files and Folders option and do the same thing as above (although there's nothing to check, just add. Close everything down and see if that makes it all work.
Graham, Thank you for the efforts to hunt this down. I tried these steps again, however the results remain the same. No luck. Fortunately I have the SD card option, which does work so I may be stuck for the present until Adobe modifies the way they see CFExpress cards.
Can you import to a folder without using Bridge, then Bridge will pick up the folder in its explorer window? I think you can then rename the files in Bridge.

Don't use Bridge (or a MAC) and LR has no issues seeing my CFe cards.
Is your card reader set as "Fixed" or "Removable"?

Fixed is faster but requires images be transferred from card to computer prior to importing into 3rd party software.

In Windoze, there is a downloadable utility that allows a Fixed device to be used as a Removeable , which is 50% slower.

Don't know about Apples.
I am on a Mac and my card reader is attached via USB-C. I don't believe I have an option to set it as "Fixed" or "Removable"

I can copy the files to the computer easy enough, I just prefer the one step features of the Photo Downloader.