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I just returned from Costa Rica and I think I found a new photography interest!!! We went on a night hike with a family friend who is also a local guide who specializes in nighttime jungle hikes... Wow what cool stuff we found (the coolest was an Ocelot which was to far, to fast, to dark for a photo but I saw it clear as day, dream encounter right there)... Eye Lash viper was a snake I really wanted to see, tarantula too... I photographed both and more. I'm not at ALL an experienced macro photographer or a night photographer either (first time for night photos beyond some Milky Way stuff I've done in the past) and I have a lot to learn. In the process we came across this emerging cicada and I was able to make this shot happen. I can see a lot I should have done differently, and it makes me want to get back out there!

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