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This pregnant jackal did her utmost to get hold of enough food for her unborn pups. She fought off a big group of vultures a couple of times and managed to have a few bites of a fresh prey of wildebeest. Masai Mara, Kenya.

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That's beautiful. Rüppell's are the more huggable vultures and I suppose there were white backs as well which are much more aggressive. Still, jackels are brilliant at slipping in and grabbing a bite. I could spend all day at a kill - the action is constant. The really special thing on this image is it isn't busy in the background and that's not so easy in the middle of a bun fight.
Great shot. Didn't realize vultures were that aggressive.
Depends on the type as Peter (Squawk) says, the scarcity of food and the size of the contestant - vultures will usually await their turn when the contestants are lions or hyenas but jackals are small enough to tackle. Especially because jackals are usually alone or with their partner, so a large group of vultures will definitely try and have a go at them!