Contemplating the next move ~ Young baboon

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OMG that what I was going to say..... But to go one step further Lisa doesn't know the the twins set up Amanda with Hairy's twin brother Lucky Joe... Lucky Joe has been know to get into trouble at times... well during the honeymoon with Amanda, Amanda's uncle MR silverback... saw Hairy and Lisa (who he thought was lucky Joe) walking hand in hand towards the watering hole... MR Silverback was NOT happy, he vowed to teach him a lesson next time he see him.. Kathy... Cant wait to tell you what happens next... Simply Frightening.
Do tell Gordon - Yezdi and I are in suspense!
This story is going to turn out into a suspense thriller at Kruger that we have our own story writer (Gordon), our renowned producer (Callie) and our enchanting director (Kathy).....Gordon you have fresh new ideas pouring from Newfoundland, better get cracking on this very new twist... before Amanda & Lisa are revealed.🤣🤣🤣😁

Oh sure I do all the work telling the story, but Kathy is the enchanting Director.. MAN...

I think we need to add Yezdi ( paparazzi)
WOOOOW..... so very fast, within minutes our fascinating story teller has new characters introduced out of Kruger.....Our producer is going to have a tough time now finding Amanda, Lisa, Lucky Joe, Hairy, MR Silverback. Since now I have been labelled a Paparazzi need to give a helping hand to our dear Callie.....🤣🤣🤣😊
And certain people was sleeping through out this wonderful unfolding story. So Here are some images to add visuals to the names and characters.
Mr Silverback?
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Excellent photos of all our characters Callie. Obviously Mr. Silverback is first. That is Amanda in the second. Lisa, in the third photo is running away from Hairy despite his pleas of innocence. Hairy’s twin brother is number four. The big question is who is in the last photo? Do we have a new character? Is Lisa fooling around?
The big question is who is in the last photo? Do we have a new character? Is Lisa fooling around?
You are so quite right Kathy.... Looks like Lisa's new wooer....When our fascinating story teller awakens, maybe all will be made public.....He has a difficult script in hand to accomplish, with the twisting tales and characters emerging out of Kruger 🤣🤣😊
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Guys, to make it more difficult, here is a scolded baboon, note the ears and eyes, intimidated by an adult. Also an adult to add suspense and someone who has no clue what is going on!
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And here, Hairy looking for help?

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Wowww...another great series Callie....Superb👌👌 Gordon will be so pleased to have a face to all his characters.....but the eagerness and the uncertainty of this twisting tale is getting quite interesting.....😊
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